The most effective gopher death

They exit the burrows and can then be shot. I’ve done it. Loser.

I just popped in because I have been waiting for somebody to mention gophers, so I can casually mention my new joke:
Gopher: The Mounding Bane.
hee hee hee hee

Flooding can work; it depends on how the soil drains where you are. My mother recently sent me a picture of a very unhappy and wet gopher in New Mexico who was eating her sunflower plants. I think she just relocated it.

The local authorities in our area published a pamphlet stating that the approved way to get rid of gophers was to place a rag soaked in Javex (preferably not lemon scented) as deep into the hole as possible. The pamplet went on to say the gopher would chuck it out. You soak it again and put it back in. After a couple of rounds the gopher would go away. It took three or four tries, but it worked. On the other hand, who knows? I’m not there all day, and my neighbors are all retired folk, and serious gardeners. I have a feeling they might have got together one day and dispatched the little beast using more direct means after seeing me prancing around with my pathetic Javex-soaked rag on a stick every evening.

Is Javex on a rag a bad idea? I haven’t the slightest clue. It seemed kind of dangerous to me, like a very slightly-less noxious alternative to gasoline, etc. If you had several gophers, you’d be dousing your property with the stuff.

Here’s your flashlight and your .45 soldier. Be mindful of booby traps and see if you can locate any useful intel. Your company is depending on you.

Guys, don’t call each other losers in IMHO. That’s what the Pit is for. (I want to type “Losers.” here so bad I can taste it. Gaaahhh!!)

Most of the ground in my yard is Adobe. Water does not drain very quickly thorugh it. Out of curiosity, why doesn’t the gas work? I tried to cover all the holes that were smoking and everything. Also, how exactly does one find the Burrows? As I mentioned before, the dirt is Adobe, so sticking things through the soil isn’t really an option. The ground is much to hard for that.

My cats are a bit on the rotund side. Maybe starving them isn’t such a bad idea. :smiley:

If you flood them out, does that make you a [Canadianism]hoser[/Canadianism]?

Dig a tunnel underneath their tunnels, pack your tunel with explosives . . .

Better watch out for sneaky gophers with matches when you are loading that tunnel up.