The movie the Abyss

why doesn’t the moonpool on the Deepcore rig flood in in this movie? it’s open to the outside and it’s underwater yet it doesn’t flood in, why?

If you invert an empty drinking glass and immerse it in a sinkful of dishwater, why doesn’t it fill up?

It’s open at the bottom and below water level…


The air pressure inside the rig is exactly equal to the water pressure on the outside of the rig. If the two pressures are different, then level of the water in the moonpool will rise or fall until the pressures are equalized.

But some water does come in. If you look closely, you’ll see the water enters a couple milimeters into the glass. This is because the pressure of the water compresses the air inside. So even if no air escapes, water does get inside the glass.

In The Abyss, the submarine is supposed to have highly pressurized air to match the water pressure. This is why it’s Amazing when the sea creatures raise the submarine and the people aboard don’t have to go through decompression.

-_- Its a MOVIE folks, don’t look too much into it picking at every little detail.

Ouch. My ignorance meter is pinned at 10, and it hurts.

For purposes of GQ, the moonpool on the Deepcore rig does not exist until a reputable peer-reviewed scientific journal says it does.


Doc Nickel has provided an easily repeatable method of simulating a moon pool. So for the purposes of GQ, we will assume that moon pools exist.

Your ignorance meter needs to be recalibrated.


bup is referring to this post by Manhattan in another thread, God only knows why.

haha… this got me into splits! :smiley: but first we’d have to prove that peer-reviewed scientific journals exist.

the humour on this board is unreal, like GHOSTS or something…