the mummy

Moses was 80 years old when he spoke to the Pharoah. When Moses was born, Rameses II was reigning. His reign lasted 67 years, After that, Merneptah. his body was found in the valley of kings, and then taken to cairo. when it was taken in for testing, and the conclusion came that it was merneptah, the pharoah of the exodus. it was also determined that he died from drowning.

For the love of God (Allah), man, hit “post reply” ** not ** “new thread”…Arrgghhh!

And if you could link up an article on that, it would be nice… * but in the original thread!!! *

LOL, sorry. once i finish typing the 3 pages, ill get it up, eventually.

Wheee! Raven clciked “reply”!!

::dances the happy dance of joy::

And where does the information that Rameses II was reigning during the birth of Moses come from?

Also, please provide a link or a cite to the information that Merneptah died by drowning.

“Verses 90 to 92, sura 10 inform us that the Children of Israel crossed the sea while the Pharaoh and his troops were pursuing them, and that it was only when the Pharoah was about to be drowned that he cried: “I believe there is no God except the God in which the Children of Israel belive in. I am of those who submit themselves to Hm” God replied “What? Now! Thou hast rebelled and caused depravity. This day, We save thee in thy body so that though mayest be a sign for those who will come after thee.” This text of the Qur’an merely stated very clearly that the Pharaohs body will be saved: that is the the important piece of information…”
“…As the Qur’an merely states, the body of the Pharaoh of the Exodus was in fact rescued: whichever of the Pharaohs it was, vistors may see him in the Royal Mummies Room of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.”

In 1898, a mummy was discovered in the Valley of Kings. It was taken into Cairo museum, and put on display. The mummies name was Merneptah.
“…he most probably died either from drowning according to the Scriptual narrations, or from very violent shocks preceding the moment when he was drowned - or both at once…”
“Rameses II, Pharaoh of the Oppresion
Merneptah, Pharaoh of the Exodus”

Also, it is said that Moses was a baby when he was taken to Ramesses II. Ramesses reign lasted 67 years. During the test, it was said that Merneptah died in his early-mid 20s. Moses was 83 when he and his people fled from the Pharaoh. So isnt it logical that Merneptah was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?

its in the book, he author was there when they did the test. the books name is:
The Bible, The Quran And Science
By Maurice Bucaille
Translated to English, originally written in French

I am afraid that I am not particularly impressed with the level of scholarship represented by quotes like:

This hardly seems like a conclusion based upon forensic examination of a corpse. Perhaps it is, but I would think that any evidence of death by drowning which managed to survive 3 millenia would have to be pretty damned conclusive.

whichever?? How can he be making statements about tests on the corpse if he is not even clear which pharoah is being discussed?

Now, a question for you:

It is said where? I am not familiar with any source which clearly ties the story of Moses to a particularly dynastic period. As I said initially, I have seen arguments for Rameses II, Merneptah, and Seti II as the pharoah of exodus. In fact, I have seen arguments for other pharoahs as well, but they seemed to be based upon particularly fanciful conjectures. What source are you using which is so clear about the dating of the exodus?

Point the First: there is no conclusive evidence that Rameses (Ramses) II was Pharoah during the Exodus, that Moses parted the Red Sea, or that Moses ever existed.

B: During the process of mummification, the internal organs, including the lungs, are removed and placed in kanopic (sp?) jars. After a few millenia, the contents of the jars are reduced to sludge, then dust. No forensic evidence could be gathered from them, and there is no other way of absolutely confirming that drowning took place without the lungs to check.

3.) Even if:

  • there were conclusive evidence that Moses parted the Red Sea

  • the Pharoah at the time were Rameses II

  • the lungs of the mummy of Rameses II were intact enough to garner forensic evidence of drowning from

it still wouldn’t be enough evidence to say that Rameses II drowned in the Red Sea after Moses led the Hebrews through it.

To me, it sounds like the author of the book you’re citing watched a few too many episodes of “In Search Of”.

Awww, Phouka, you’re no fun at all…