The Nancy Pelosi appreciation thread

It was Trump who unilaterally, against his own Republican party in the Senate, shut the government down. She has already introduced multiple bills to reopen the government -even temporarily - and those bills have been blocked in the Senate by Mitch McConnell for fear that the president will look like even more of an ass by vetoing those, too.

Pelosi is teaching Trump a painful political lesson. Campaigning is one thing - Trump has proven he can campaign. This isn’t a campaign. This is institutional, procedural, political. It’s an entirely different battlefield. She’s a crocodile that’s dragging him further away from land.

You seem to have forgotten that there was a deal of 25 billion for the wall in exchange for DACA that Trump said he would sign. He than refused to sign it after it passed both chambers of Congress because right-wing loudmouths complained.
He can’t be trusted to keep his side of a deal.

This is false – the House has been passing numerous bills to reopen the government, at the same funding levels that both parties in the Senate overwhelmingly supported last month. She’s taking action to reopen the government, but the Senate and Trump are doing absolutely nothing. That’s probably why public opinion overwhelmingly blames Trump and the Republicans for this shutdown, and not her.

This ^ and especially the bold part. Trump had a deal, and this wonderful ‘deal maker’ blew it up.

Trump is chained to his base. And his base is also chained to the base. Trump is fearful of what happens if he cuts ties with right wing loudmouths, and the right wing loudmouths are fearful of what happens when they stop using their schtick. They’ve played the game of niche politics. They have no niche they can really transition into. They’ve been playing a game of extreme politics because there seemed like no consequences to deal with. Well now there are consequences, like up to 800,000 people getting reduced or no income for a month or more. That also reverberates throughout the economy.

And what happens going forward if the Dems do cave on this? The ‘crying, whining shut down’ becomes the first arrow in Trumps quiver. This is the Dems version of not negotiating with terrorists. You give in once, and it will never stop.

I think that by pulling this stunt she is raising her profile and runs the risk of being a big fat target. She is about as unpopular as Trump in national polls and I think that Trump is doing a great job of shooting himself in the foot, almost hourly without any help from the Democrats.

The boomers have had a stranglehold on our politics and culture for far too long. By refusing to yield power Pelosi is preventing a new generation of leadership and ideas to emerge. She represents business as usual at a time in American politics when business as usual has been discredited.

I also thought her blocking Kathleen Rice from a seat on the Judiciary Committee because Rice had been critical of Pelosi was petty bullshit that is not in the interest of the party or the nation.

Pelosi will have her moment and then realize that she’s overplayed her hand and has shifted blame for the shutdown from Trump to her and the Democrats in the mind of the public.

Power is taken, not given. Who is the next generation’s candidate for leadership? How have they demonstrated their readiness to take over?

I know it doesn’t pay to overestimate the intelligence of “the public” but even the dumbest mouth breathing redneck can remember Trump saying: “I’m proud to shut down the government”.

I doubt that most of them are even aware he made that statement. People who vote for reality show TV stars to be president aren’t the most informed voters on earth.

It’s a fact that he said that, yes, but the right doesn’t base their opinions on facts. They believe what they’re told to believe whether it’s true or not, and now they’re being told Trump’s not to blame.

Yup and what news they get is from Fox News which is straight up propaganda. Also, Pelosi using security as an excuse to cancel the speech is just fucking stupid and you can bet Fox is going to be hammering that point.

Missed the edit, but it’s important to remember that Trump likes Pelosi as the leader and sees her as his best chance to stay out of jail.

He knows she’s a political hack who won’t do the right thing, but will make a deal with him in the end.

It’s stupid taken in isolation, but politically effective in context. Which is the point, as someone knows who understands power rather than complains about lacking it.

I agree. Pelosi has totally grabbed Trump by his pussy.

Wrong. The house has passed bills to re-open the government. Please hang up and try your call again later.

Well said. I’ll be appropriating this, and probably using it on myself when I get bitchy.

You all sound like a bunch of fucking Republicans; we must line up behind the leader and anyone who questions her is the enemy. Let’s check back in a week and see if public opinion starts to blame the Democrats for the shutdown and Trump’s approval starts to creep up.

All the poll trends are in the opposite direction, Slugger. But you can let your (ageist, misogynistic - Trumpian/Sanders-like?) hatred of Pelosi fester if you like.

Pelosi just pulled her stunt, do you not understand that it takes about a week for events to start to show their impact in polling? Are you really that fucking stupid? What you and your ilk don’t understand is that Pelosi is pulling stunts like this instead of investigating Trump and pursuing impeachment. She’ll pander to the moderately informed for cheap fund raising and business as usual bullshit, but she won’t take a stand and pursue the removal from office of Trump.

She’s trying to get the government running again. If she starts on anything else before this gets resolved the headlines write themselves.