The Nancy Pelosi appreciation thread

Aaaaaannndd now you’ve linked to their page so they’ll get even more traffic. Nice one, Monty.

So, just clips of Democrats saying illegal immigration is a problem. Which doesn’t contradict anything Democrats are saying now.

(post shortened)

Pelosi is THE queen of the swamp. ol’ Nancy has been involved in politics since 1961. She was first elected to public office in 1987. If anyone knows how to play hardball, it’s ol’ Nancy. The resist movement, and old style politics, are alive and well.

Well, that was timely and insightful.

What’s the status of the State of the Union address? Is it on or off? What’s the latest? I just saw a headline in passing (no cite) that said Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t let WH staffers in the Congressional chamber to do a walk through.

Supposedly, two versions of the SOTU are being prepared.

You know what? You’ve long been an insufferable fool and I’ve long wondered why you haven’t been banned. Now you’re just trolling for the sheer joy of displaying your incredible stupidity. Until TPTB see fit to actually remove you from this site, I’m going to do what I am now suggesting others do: remove your inane posts from visibility. And good riddance.

It’s about time, Monty. I took that step a couple of years ago. Nice to see that at least one more person won’t be abusing my scrolling finger by live-quoting him…

Oh No! How am I going to get my usual seven hours of sleep tonight if I don’t have your internet blather to put me to sleep? How’s everything in Beijing, China?

Pelosi is awesome, and I’ve long been mystified, and frustrated, that she hasn’t gotten more credit as a trailblazer (and extremely effective Speaker). We still haven’t had a woman president, and that’s not right; but we’ve had a female Speaker and now have one again, and that’s a HUGE deal.

Same as me on Chrome. With Firefox I can see all three.

All three codes are, in decimal, ‘& # 128xxx ;’. Is this a new series?


You go, Nancy! I wouldn’t let that flaming asshole into any place I was in charge of either.

I gotta clap for Pelosi if she goes through with canceling the SoU address. Also I appreciate her refusing to buckle to Trump’s wall demand. I wish she had taken a similar pro illegal immigration stance before this, but Trump has clearly brought out the best in her.


Being against a moronic wall is not the same as being “pro illegal immigration,” and you know it.

Hi, Will. Nobody knows whether this is intended to be sarcastic. Or cares.

Ok my approval of Pelosi on that item is revoked, but I still clap for her intransigence and cancelling the SoU (if she follows through).

I must note that Pelosi is an anarchist’s dream compared to Ryan and Boehner. Both of whom buckled to Obama’s demands after a few days max. Perhaps Ryan left his copy of Atlas Shrugged next to the gavel.

…you were saying?