The Ocean Race 2023

Anyone following along?

Ocean going racing yachts identical in design with hydrofoils and carbon fiber hulls manned with mixed sex crews going full blast 24 hours a day.
Inside the cabin it barely looks like a boat, more like a space ship crammed with equipment, monitors, levers and lines. The helmsman grips a joystick and stares at a monitor while the sails are also trimmed from inside the cabin and the hydrofoil lines snake and slither about it’s a like a speeding bouncing bullet train ride.

No it does not look like fun at all, but it is exciting.

I’m not following it, but would if it was on TV. I sailed a little back in the day of lead keels and ropeburns. I saw a tid-bit of some race in the San Francisco Bay a while back … America’s Cup qualifier, maybe (I think) and my immediate reaction was, “What WitchCraft is This???”

Sailing ain’t what it used to be.