The Oddest Things Blocked By My Office Internet Filter

Leafs fans can only be exposed to a REAL hockey team gradually. The shock could destroy them after all those years of brainwashing by Ballard, Burke, Ferguson, etc., etc.

What in the fucking hell is your problem anyway? You have been constantly following my posts here and commenting negatively on Phil Kessel and the Toronto Maple Leafs for something like a year now. You come out of the blue in unrelated topics and insult me and the Toronto Maple Leaf franchise over, and over for no apparent reason.

In fact you were warned in one of these, or numerous other posts, to knock it off. Maybe it’s time for you to be banned.

LC Strawhouse, you seem to have a problem with this team, and with Leaffan.

Knock it off.

Consider this an official instruction – which I am about to apprise my fellow moderators of.

Next time it will be a warning.

twickster, MPSIMS moderator

I had a problem like that in reverse. An HR woman was trying to contact me an offer me a short term assignment. She kept trying to email me, but I wasn’t getting them. (She finally got a hold of me via phone.) The problem: her name is Sharon Hitzel, and the school’s email format is first initial then four letters of the last name. So, her email was [deleted], and my email filter (that I didn’t realize was turned on) objected to an email address with “shit” in it.

Well I thought I was being very amusing with a subtle intellectual edge, a lovable gentlemanly rogue with a twinkle in his eye, like one of the male leads in a Jane Austen novel.

Oh well…

Lingerie. Really.

Now unless you’re under the age of 12, I doubt there are many cube farmers who regularly fap at work while looking at bras and panties.

Maybe I’m just getting cynical in my old age.

When I was a Federal employee I was once blocked from a web site about geography. The reason was “education”. I might have accidentally learned something I guess.

Two thumbs up, would laugh again. You are actually suggesting bannination for someone who has teased you half a dozen times about a hockey team?

My company uses a free service via Opendns. They’re using strings in domain names among other things. I believe there’s a feedback system where they collect info on sites that their users unblock and/or report as miscatagorized to refine their info. It’s working pretty well for us. Of course, we have personnel who know WTF they’re doing when it comes to setting up this stuff. We’ve had maybe half a dozen unblock requests for false positives in as many months, mostly to small sites with very porn-y names. I haven’t tested how robust it is for false negatives. :stuck_out_tongue:

A filter designed for use in offices should block streaming video out of the box. I think it’s more often than bot reasonable to assume someone watching video isn’t working.

Provided, of course, that when the assumption is not reasonable, or reasonable but wrong, that can be turned off.

Or at all, really. Though at my old job, when the filters were installed, someone went to the boss and complained that he could no longer look at porn at his desk.

I was able to get to Jenna Jameson’s Web site just fine, but that was for work-related reasons.

Got it! Quick question for ya though. Am I allowed to opine on the state of the Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Franchise and/or specific players in other ways on this board, or will that be taken as a personal insult too? Am I allowed to do it as long as I’m not directly replying to your post or a thread you start?

That’s not a question for him, that’s a question for me. Ask it in ATMB rather than continuing to hijack this thread.

I took out the email address you posted…instead of posting the actual email, you could just let everyone know it began with “shitz”. This allows you to get the point across yet keep her email private.

Hockey = serious business. (And GO PENS!!! FUCK BETTMAN!) :wink:

I was once subject to a filter that, for some reason, blocked, but didn’t block any of the individual NFL team sites. And it didn’t have any problems with Just the NFL main site. My only guess was that fell under the “gambling” filter.

A local church always set up an elaborate nativity scene every Christmas, so before leaving work, I tried to hit the website to see what time it started. Blocked: religious material.

I’m glad that my company didn’t subject me to a church webpage.

Seriously, though. These companies that treat their employees like children need their heads straight.

At my previous job the filters were extremely strict, one day there was a pen left at my desk with a website printed on it. I typed it in just to see what would happen. It was a very graphic tutoring lesson on cunnilingus. I laughed at the absurdity of their policies.

Someone used ‘specialist’ as part of his occupation and mail was dropped – ‘cialis’ is a substring.

Off and on (including at this very moment) the Wikipedia biography for the King of Thailand redirects me (in Thailand) to a government censorship site.

Did you figure out who left the pen on your desk? I suspect there was an intended message, but it wasn’t about Internet filtering policies. :wink:

I used to work for a school district and once found the SDMB banned. I contacted IT to ask why and in a couple of days it was un-banned with no explanation. No idea why.

By the way I think talking of hockey should be prohibited as long as THEY AREN’T PLAYING DAMMIT. (suffering withdrawal here…)