The Office - Casino Night

Toby reminds me of Eeyore. Sad, sweet, loveable, loner type who’s been burned in the butt by life. But one of these days, Eeyore’s going to grab a shotgun and take everyone out. And Michael’s going to be first.

I’m so glad they didn’t do the whole Jan/Jim thing - I was watching that part with horror until it finished and nothing happened.

Geek that I am, I’ve been watching a couple of clips at work, and the scene in the parking lot and the kiss are still just incredibly moving. I really think Jenna Fischer and John Krasinski should get Emmy nods, not just for this episode, but for their whole season. They’ve done an amazing job of getting people invested in Pam and Jim.


It would take some pretty serious chops to be both the drummer and the lead singer in a Police cover band.

Why would two very attractive women be interested in Michael? It was hard to suspend my disbelief for that.

Michael is a bit stupid and a little arrogant, but he also has some good qualities. Depending upon the situation, Michael could look like a great catch to some women.

I just want to add how shocked I am that Steve Carell was able to write such a good episode. It just seemed…not his style to me. I was actually kind of dreading it since its the finale, but he hit such a home run. I want him to write more.

I know Carol(?)'s code name was “Real Estate”, but what did Dwight call Jan?

“Lan Jevinson”

Perfect Dwight-speak :wink: .

My take on it was that neither of them were very interested in him until they realized that the other lady was, and then they became competitive. . . But, that doesn’t quite explain why Jan had brought an overnight bag with her does it?

I think part of Michael’s appeal to Carole is how great he was with her kids in the birthday episode. And Jan has seemed pretty ambivalent at times about Michael.

I agree with Larry Mudd that you probably need to have been watching all along in order to really appreciate everything that has gone into the build-up here. Also, I don’t have it recorded and therefore don’t know the dialogue from the parking lot scene, but my impression wasn’t so much that Pam said “No” as it was that she said “This can’t happen”. A subtle difference, but one that (in a TV show) does actually leave the door open a smidge. (In real life, it would probably actually be horrifying to have the person still follow you into the abandoned office and kiss you, so I certainly do appreciate what you are saying).

Ya know, I started watching this show half way through this season and got hooked. So I have to ask…
Why did Pam hook up with Roy in the first place? They make the guy out to be such a dolt that it makes Pam look pretty stupid for 1) Going out with a guy like this in the first place, and 2) Agreeing to marry the guy. So there’s got to be ‘something’ she likes about the guy.
And yes I’ve known girls like this. They want some guys to be their best friends and their husband to be their husband, not their friend. Yes, it’s whacked but some girls are like this.
So, if Pam was one of these ‘whacked’ girls how is Jim going to break her out of this mold?

Jan has some serious, serious issues. And Michael was nice to her that one night when they ended up making out and talking all night, so he does have at least a semi-human side.

Intertia - it’s more than just for physics, you know!

It’s also been implied that Roy is good in the sack - or at least Pam seems to think so.



The Warehouse Manager teaching Michael to talk black

Michael’ss mangled Cabret intro (with glow sticks)

were both very, very funny to me

I think they’ve been engaged since the series began. There might have been an explanation why somewhere along the way, but I can’t remember it.

Yes, but I still think that the show is much funnier if Michael is a slightly-more-prominent-character, rather than when he’s “the star”.


Not really. It’s just one of those “been engaged forever” kind of things. I don’t think Roy even proposed until he was drunk on the Booze Cruise.


Carol’s code name was Re/Max. Like no one would figure that out.

I also liked how Pam gives Michael a ‘trial run’ with his phone calls. I wonder how many times a day she has to say, “Still me” ?

I watched it again this afternoon and caught a bit at the beginning that I missed last night. Michael was saying he likes givign to charity because it makes him feel like a ‘philanderer.’ :stuck_out_tongue:

Contrary to what others have said, I like Toby. Look what the poor guy has to deal with - the idiot boss and the complaint box (from last week), and now he wants to have children at Casino night, where they’re having gambling and liquor and Hooter’s waitresses. I’m sure the warehouse guy went and let him know about Michael wanting flamethrowers in the warehouse (full of paper!), too.

Hm. So it could be one of those “we’ve been dating since high school, we’ve never dated anyone else, we’ve grown apart since we were teens but never seemed to break up, so we might as well get married” type things?

That’s the impression I’ve gotten – that it started as the pretty girl dating the jock and just stayed that way, At one time, Pam could have seen Roy as cute and popular and to be fair, he’s not really evil. He’s kind of shallow and insensitive and not very bright but we have no reason to believe he’s ever been abusive or unfaithful or anything. It’s more like she’s just outgrown him but is just staying with him because that’s what everybody expects her to do.

Pam and Roy have been engaged for three years (mentioned several times in the first episode this season, “The Dundies”), and have dated since high school (according to Jenna Fischer’s blog, either on MySpace or

Also, I think the person who implied Roy was good in the sack was Roy. :wink: If they’ve been together since high school, it’s possible that he’s the only guy Pam’s ever been with.

I’ve been thinking about this episode all day! God bless whoever posted the final scenes on YouTube.

How cute was Pam’s expression when she held up the umbrella for the camera at the beginning? SO cute! And the little wink she gave Jim after that? Dude…I’m a girl, but I think I can safely say there is no girl on TV more adorable than Pam Beesley.

Just in case any of you geeks are getting ideas, I just want to state for the record that Jenna Fischer is my girlfriend. Or will be soon. Or some day. So there.