The Office: "The Meeting" (open spoilers)

Yes, it’s been established Jim get’s good numbers. I’m thinking Jim is second to Dwight as far as I can tell, Andy may be in 3rd or 4th*, in that Dwight made fun of him for having slightly better numbers than Phyllis.

*Stanley’s the wild-card, but was trying to be poached by Utica branch.

Yeah, I remember Toby filing all of Dwight’s complaints in a ‘super secret folder’ that just stayed under Toby’s desk.

Dammit, I’m not carrying my weight in these threads. :smack:

Last week’s litigation value: $100,000.

This week’s litigation value: $50,000.

I’m pretty sure those criticisms were either from Ryan or the Black dude who replaced Michael briefly.

And they are pretty accurate. Jim does spend most of his time grabassing with Pam or playing jokes on Dwight. In fact, it’s not quite clear why he should manage the Scranton branch.


Jim USED to spend all his time fucking around at work, but if you’ve noticed over the last season or two he has been much calmer at work and more of a voice of reason that tries to stop BS from happening rather than starting it himself. Charles coming in and hating on him for every little thing and ignoring anything good he did changed his attitude at work I think. Since then he has initiated less office hijinks and appears to just want to work then go home.

Remember that Jim was wearing a tux at work (as part of a prank) the first time Charles met him. They got off to a bad start.

I remember that, but I also remember Charles refusing to let Jim explain anything. Yes it is unprofessional to do those types of pranks, but even with the pranks Jim is one of the most “normal” people in that office and did not deserve that level of contempt for Charles. Charles even STILL was mean to Jim at the office picnic way later. A bad start doesn’t have to stay bad. Jim tried to get back on the right foot but Charles made it pretty much impossible IIRC.

I think Michael is a good manager for that specific branch because everyone is a little bit of a whack-o. Jim is too normal and would get frustrated dealing with all the crazyness. Michael is fine and actually flourishes in the crazyness.

Wouldn’t that be a way to take the storyline this season? Have Jim go crazy from the craziness around him.

When Jim’s been in charge of the office before, he’s always become just a little bit like more Michael (and becoming Michael Scott is his worst nightmare). I think continuing in that direction could render some good comic moments. It was especially funny in one episode where he started to show the first embryonic signs of Toby hatred.

"Here you will find here a cheddar-style spread, which has reacted nicely with the air to form a light rind, which I believe you will find both challenging and delicious. "

Whole Bean, that was my favorite line.

If Charles did scare Jim straight, he hasn’t had much time to goof around. He Goofed with Andy while Charles was there. When Andy was warning Jim about Pam breaking his heart.

“Toby’s great. He’s great, but sometimes he can be a little bit much. [in Toby voice] I don’t see the harm in that. Well, it’s a cake Toby, so, c’mon.”

I think Charles was part of it but also maybe Jim realizing he and Pam were serious, bought the house, etc and he needed to worry about job security more, grow up a bit? I’m not saying he never has messed around at work in the last season or two but you can’t say he hasn’t done it less.

Early in the series, one of the reasons why Jim spent so much time either pranking Dwight or chatting with Pam was that he was trying to impress Pam or find excuses to spend time with her. Since they’re now in a serious relationship, he realizes (I hope) that he doesn’t need to keep showing off to get Pam’s attention. Stealing time with her at the office is also presumably less tempting now that they live together.