The Old Matrial Disciplines of Europe and Asia

My friends and I have long wondered about the real differences between the stylistic differences between Europe and the East back in the day … say the Middel Ages.

In movies, the depictions are all very sraightforward and historically, I cannot think of any frame of reference when it comes to swordplay and such and how these vastly different types might actually act in combat.

We know and can understant the styles and such from the Moors because of the Crusades, but how on Earth would European knight and such actually make battle with Chinese warriors whose blades were so much slimmer and faster - or the Japanese?

I’m laying aside bows here because those work the same for everyone, but sword fighting styles are so considerably different I can only wonder.

What are the differences, who would win in a given fight, and how would the combatant’s tactics have to change to be most effective?
I put this in GD because I was certain t here would be many answers of differing opinion that could go on fort a long time. Please change this if necessary.

Not to discourage further discussion, by any means, but for your own reading pleasure, an earlier longish thread on this very topic:

Very similarly:


  • Tamerlane

Ah. Not a problem at all, T. Thank you.