So your definition of misinformation is saying something that 10% of the world’s foremost experts agree is true?
That isn’t a definition of misinformation found in any dictionary. If I claim that humans arrived in North America between ~10, 00 years ago, that isn’t misinformation. It’s a minority opinion amongst the foremost experts in the world, but it is still an opinion held by experts based upon their interpretation of the evidence. There is simply no misinformation involved. The statement is well researched and well referenced and genuinely believed to be true.
Trying to portray minority scientific opinion as misinformation is nothing less than a True Scotsman.
But hell, if we are going to define any minority expert opinion as misinformation, then almost any Leftist economic opinion is misinformation.
Some on the right do, certainly.
And by the same token, there simply isn’t any controversy that the world’s ocean levels are not rising by 6 m in the next century. But the left just up and lies and pretends it is happening. And there simply isn’t any controversy that the world is not going to run out of oil completely within the next 15 years. But the left just up and lies and pretends it is happening. And there simply isn’t any controversy that at least 50% of the Amazon rainforest will still be there in 50 years time, But the left just up and lies and pretends it is happening. And so on and so forth.
The left is at least as prone to these hyperbolic claims as the right, and as in the case of global warming, the claims are made regarding exactly the same issues, just exaggerated in the other direction. As is said earlier, the only difference is that you don;t believe it is misinformation when the left makes such wild exaggerations in direct contradiction of the evidence. It’s acceptable when your side does it, or at least an “honest mistake”.
Uh huh. And I provided you with factual information. :rolleyes:
And as I said, the stance of the left is also an outright lie.
Sea levels are going to rise by 6m in the near future, as Al Gore claimed. That is not a simplification. That is an outright lie.
Paleoclimate records do not show that COs increases led to an increase in temperature, as Al Gore claimed. That is not a simplification. That is an outright lie.
A 100 ppm increase in CO2 levels is not “the difference between a nice day and a mile of ice above your head” , as Al Gore claimed. That is not a simplification. That is an outright lie.
And I could keep going all day presenting these lies by leftists such as Gore as they pertain *just *to global warming. Never mind the lies about peak oil, deforestation and so forth.
But, as I said, because you agree with Gore’s politics, you let these lies pass. They aren’t lies. It isn’t even misinformation. This is why you can’t think of any misinformation from the left because when a prominent leftist politician lies, you refuse to categorise it as misinformation.
And I gave you actual facts. It is an actual fact that Sea levels are going to rise by 6m in the near future, for example.
Ahh, I see. You posted in GD, but you have no actual ability to debate, instead you want an opportunity to slag off your political opponents without being forced to think about your own position.
Maybe you should ask the Mods to move this thread. Because in here people are going to present you with facts that you will force you to confront your prejudices. Insulting people by calling their posts “gibber-jabber” isn’t going to change those facts, or make it more comfortable when they force you to actually think.