The particulars of M-Theory

In classical, i.e. Newtonian, physics, the concepts of space, time, observer, and observed were all separate entities.

With Relativity, space and time are bound together in a unified, dynamic field.

With Quantum Mechanics, it is the observer and observed which are united in a dynamic system.

Since M-Theory apparently unites GR and QM, what does M-t say about the unified dynamics of space, time, observer, and observed?

M-theory, the theory formerly known as Strings

This isn’t really accurate. First of all, to put it next to your comments on relativity would seem to imply that the tweaky circumstances of observation are as fundamental to QM as a Minkowskian spacetime is to SR. They’re not. Spacetime is essential to SR, but observational effects are a byproduct (and an interpretation) of QM.

Secondly, the observer can most assuredly be included in a classical mechanical system. He can also be removed from a quantum mechanical system. The setup works without the observer, but from what was known when the Copenhagen Interpretation was set up he seemed to change things when he was there. This, further, only happens at the quantum scale, but immediately idio^M^M^M^Mpseudoscientists ran off and said it applied to everything. By the time the QM+Eastern philosophy books showed up in the new-agey 70s, the concrete had set.

Except for one little problem: it’s not necessarily true. There are quite a number of theories out there proposing alternate interpretations that don’t require Von Neumann’s quantum leaps. In particular, Penrose has a very interesting one that might even be testable within my lilfetime that has the nonunitary “projection” onto eigenstates driven by decoherence (which is already nonunitary) taking place in a characteristic time determined by the difference in gravitational energy between the two eigenstates. No observer in sight, and still the same end results.

So, the second part of your question is moot. The answer to the first part is, “yes, quantum field, string, and ‘M’ -theories all take place in the spacetime of special relativity”.