The past tense of Lead is Led

Minor rant, but I’ve been seeing this more and more here on the dope and it drives me up a wall.

I just now did a post search covering all forums for the word “lead” just to get an idea of the frequency of the mistake. Here are the mistakes I found in just the past week, in order of most recent first:


WRONG! / ALSO WRONG! (same thread and poster, so only one example, really)





WRONG! <== possibly not past tense, but if so, pluralization is wrong



Stop being wrong on the internet!

And then once that’s sorted out, maybe we can deal with people who insist on calling those things that stop your car “breaks”.

They’re their, don’t loose you’re cool over this.

Remamber when Mike Love from the Beach Boys went on that drunken rant where he criticized lots of popular artists, then when Bob Dylan spoke later he said: “I’d like to thank Mike Love for not mentioning me.”?

raises wiffle bat
make threatening jester

Ellis Dee
I liked your post better then most others, it was so much more impactful. And quite unique, per say.

Like a led balloon.

This thread lead me to create a new fumblerule of grammar.

I fully support this pitting. It peeves me, too.

It’s an understandable mistake. The past tense of “read” is pronounced “red” but it’s still spelled “read”; so it makes at least a little bit of sense that people would try to make “lead” work the same way. Plus there actually is a word (the metal) that’s pronounced “led” but spelled “lead” (unless you’re talking about “Led Zeppelin”).

So I can see why some people might be [del]lead[/del] led astray,

Still, if you’re a grown-up, and English is your first language, you really ought to be able to figure this out.

I originally intended to list all uses of the past tense, both correct and incorrect, to get a feel for the frequency. Unfortunately the boards don’t let you search for 3-letter words.

Just now I tried a google search of the boards for “led” limiting the results to the past week. It only found three, one of which was part of a show title, but those results have to incomplete. They just have to be.

Internet should be capitalized.

Is it OK if I still call them buffalo?

Come join us in the present day, grandpa! The AP Stylebook stopped capitalizing “internet” years ago, much like nobody capitalizes “phonograph” anymore either.

Sorry, I don’t turn to the AP Stylebook when I verify spellings.

Oxford Dictionary til I die, MFers!

Hey, maybe we should start using a real language and give up on this POS inconsistent garble you call a language!!
Or we could just fix English. HAHAHAHA…

Yeah, let’s make it consistent, like all the other languages on Earth.

As I recall from lo, these many years ago, it started out uncapitalized.

Is the Future Tense of Light Emitting Diode “LEAD”?

Wouldn’t the past tense of lead be some degenerate matter as lead (Pb) is generally formed from a supernova. Led is those efficient lights that everyone has now, so the past tense of led are incandescent.

I believe the past tense of Lead would be Polonium-210.

Others on par with Lead - Led:
Loose - Lose
Breathe - Breath

All are misuses that stop you mid-sentence where you have to sort out what you read with what you were supposed to read.