I am not sure that this is really a Great Debate, but it seems a little more philosophically intense than a topic more suited to other forums. Given that I have no idea where the thread will head, however, I request that Mods move it as necessary.
So, I just finished watching a pretty good episode of Stargate: SG1 and, apart from the moral paradoxes involved in the episode (which I feel were skirted instead of actually resolved) it occured to me that the interactive protocol followed in SG1 is far different from the one in the Star Trek world.
For those not in the know, the Star Trek world (herein: ST) has the infamous “Prime Directive” dictating that ship captains or other emissaries of The Federation are prohibited from interacting with technologically inferior races in an effort to let them sort out their own differences and grow “naturally.” There are many good reasons for this, the least of which involves the incredible weapon strength this inferior (technologically, please, no moral pronouncements here) species would suddenly have access to. Other concerns have been listed throughout the course of the show, but they are all pretty self-evident (xenophobia, worship, etc).
Indeed, it has always been pretty self-evident to me (that is, a good idea), which is why when I was watching SG1 today I was pretty much shocked at how easily I swallowed that “world.” The SG1 paradigm has no such protocol as the Prime Directive of ST. Not even close. Hell, the whole point of SG1 is to go out there and meet civilizations and gain technologies in order to combat a certain set of “bad guys” whose name I am not going to attempt to spell (because I can’t) but it really doesn’t matter. I don’t want to discuss the shows, per se, but rather these two different outlooks on communication with extra-terrestrial life forms.
Since this topic, honestly, just came to my mind I haven’t formed a clear outlook yet on which is more correct to me, but at the outset I think I like SG1 better than ST. Here is my reasoning:
I am rather fond of the “meme” idea of “thought” evolution, and think that the natural selection paradigm serves well to explain any conflict in which change is necessary, not just as a mechanism for fostering biological life. SG1 is out there merging technologies, information, and so on, in some ways militarily leveling the playing field but more importantly driving all races toward technological advancement (nevermind that, in the show, this largely doesn’t happen; given any real-world interaction I think it is clear this is the outcome). So I feel that ST with its Prim Directive is an “ignorance is bliss” view which I don’t agree with at all. I am a firm supporter of what is often called “social darwinism” and feel that information/technology sharing fosters this more than the Prime Directive which, in this light, seems to serve as a benevolent dictator of sorts.
In fact, though I know exactly what the Prime Directive says, I can’t help but feel a hint of cultural/ moral/ ethical superiority in it (which I don’t have a problem with either, but it achieves this superiority in a method which I would disagree with if it is assumed they are, in fact, morally superior by their reasoning).
What do you think? A paradigm for interaction between ETs is only a small step above the paradigm for interaction between two distinct cultures. Given that close tie (I might say: they are not able to be distinguished) what say you? Is the Prime Directive really the way to go? Or is SG1 on the right track?
And, perhaps most importantly, why?
[sub]Though recalling events from either series is probably unavoidable please try to refrain yourself as it is somewhat unnecessary, and will serve to keep it here in GD; but, who am I to tell you what to do? :)[/sub]