The Real Story of The Two P-40 Pilots In Pearl Harbor

Cool story. We always hear about “a couple of American planes managed to get off the ground and kill a couple of Zekes” but this is what really happened.

Thanks to my war buff/retired Army officer Dad for the link!

Very cool. They were 2nd Lts George Welch and Ken Taylor, 6 kills and 2 more probables. They were submitted for the MoH and were awarded the DSC for their actions. “I was too young, too dumb, and too stupid to realize what danger I was in.”

Please pass along my thanks to your father, and thanks for posting the link.

Very cool, thanks for sharing!

I read both pilots Wiki articles and it seems all of that is true. How much would it suck to die as a 1950’s test pilot of experimental aircraft?

“Ah man, these jet engines, I’m going so fast, it’s amazing…”


Nice vid. Poor guy got killed testing the plane my old man ended up flying.