The (really) affordable Harley

Since I was a child I’ve dreamed of owning a Harley Davidson motorcycle to roar around town on, but they are (to say the least) a little on the expensive side of things. Ok, they’re a whole lot on the expensive side of things.

But I digress, I see lots and lots of them tooling around my area. There must be a way to get my grubby little paws on one, sans the $20,000.00+ price tag. Is there a such a thing as an affordable Harley Davidson motorcycle?

Well, the Sportster 883 XLH lists for about 6,000 bucks.

Don’t know where you live but I’ve got one I’ll sell you for 7.5k. It’s purdy too.

I’ve heard this referred to as “the girl’s Harley”. I think Coldfire rented one, and IIRC he was unimpressed. (I’m sure he’ll be along to correct me if I’m wrong.)

On the other hand, a friend of mine has had one for years and years, and he totally digs it. I kinda like the way they look.


Harleys aren’t my style. Give me a Yamaha R1. (No, really. Give me one! Please! :smiley: )

Ryan - As an extreme Harley enthusiast I highly, highly recommend you you check out this model as a nice entrance into the realm of the Harley.

I’ve been out of the states for a while, and upon my return my fiance has notified me of a certain discovery channel show called American Chopper please check it out then deside on what Harley you want…

Antiquarian, that is a very nice V-ROD but I think it is a little bit out of Ryan Mahoney’s price range. That bike, in stock form, gows for about $18,500US. The extra chrome pieces (Swing-arm, upper and lower belt guards, handlebars, controls, radiator hose cover, wheels, etc. would easily run another $5,000US or so. There are plenty of nice used Soft-tails and springers around.