The repugs want to see your tax return.

I suppose that one of Santa’s elves snuck into Istook’s office and did it. :rolleyes:

People like Istook don’t even have the grace to take their lumps when they get caught, and insist on compounding the original offense by offering the-dog-ate-my-homework excuses.

frankly, I see this as a bipartisan issue. I can’t think of many conservatives who are down with the feds sharing out people’s tax returns to whomever. The only people I can see defending it is extreme Pubbie partisans and paid shills like Limbaugh. Maybe not even the shills. Istook’s goose is cooked, if the Dems have the balls to go for him. Which they prolly don’t.

That said, I’m still curious as to what the Republican faction here has to say on the matter.

I agree it would be good for them to weigh in.

Before a bill is sent to the President for signature, three things have to happen: 1, it has to be enrolled (printed in a formal, final version); 2, it has to be signed by the Speaker, 3, it has to be signed by the President of the Senate (or the President Pro Tempore).

Congress can effectively amend legislation during the process of enrollment (which can sometimes take days) by having each house pass a resolution. That’s what is being done in this case. There’s no constitutional problem here because the bill is being changed BEFORE it is sent to the President.

HAAHAHAAA! Step aside, Carrot Top. A new comedic genius is in town!

Not to speak on behalf of all SDMB GOPites, but I see this as a weasel-like move by Istook, which is being appropriately dealt with. Istook will probably suffer future reprocussions, as Frist and Hastert like to run a tight ship. I don’t care for the whole ‘last minute amendment’ crap anyways, and hopefully (but unlikely), this event will scale back that practice.

Besides, we, the Waffen-GOP, are under no obligation to defend all Republicans everywhere. Only Bush. He could microwave a puppy during a press conference, and I would dutifully inform you of the grave national security consqeuences of not microwaving that puppy, and what ‘moral fiber’ was shown by performing such an unpopular act (but neccasery for the well-being of our Great Republic).

You forgot the part where the Pubs point out that Clinton microwaved a new-born infant, so nuking puppies is not so bad.

In the spirit of bipartisanship, I wasn’t going to talk about Clinton’s infant microwaving, but it should be pointed out that he looked right in the camera and told the nation, ‘I did not microwave that baby, Little Tyler’, only to later argue over the meaning of ‘microwave’. (Ah thought it was a toaster oven, he said. Any feller can tell ya that you don’t microwave in a toaster over!).

We? No no no not me, them.

It’s all on you guys now.