Democrat Skullduggery to Undermine Republicans!!

Oh, the treachery! The cunning! The serpentine deviousness of the Democrat mindset!

Let me excerpt from Mr. Josh Marshall, of Talking Points Memo…

There are other scattered gasps of feigned outrage, that this proviso was snuck in during the dark of night, that no one would claim sponsorship for this orphaned codicil, wandering alone through a big, dark, cold appropriations bill. Where such a helpless little waif might be lost in the jungles of verbage…

Note the cunning! The craftiness! The author of this little stinker knows full well the power that God has placed in the hands of his Republican servants (by way of the overwhelming thunderous avalanche of a mandate), knows full well that the chaircreatures and rank members will assuredly by Republican.

The naive among you are confused, dear persons, so innocent of the crafty intrigues of the liberal mind. Why, you ask, would the Dems place such ghastly power to embarass, blackmail, and coerce in the hands of their political enemies? Wouldn’t they want it for themselves? Why would they hand such weaponry to their sworn enemies? (Note: these are the same people who cannot grasp why a secular tyrant like Saddam would place powerful weapons in the hands of a religious fanatic, they lack subtlety in their thinking…)

First off, no Republican even knows about this proviso! None! They are all roundly aghast at its very existence, and suspect an Iago-staffer, who they promise to ferret out forthwith and toot damn sweet!

But it is so obvious! The Demofiends snuck this in, knowing that, in their sublime innocence, no Republican would ever act upon such a vile proviso, especially as they know nothing about it! They expected it to sink anonymously into the dark mass of appropriations verbage, to be forgotten, and yet, enacted. Signed into law.

And then they wait. They calmly wait while the Bushiviks make a total hash of thing, and previously sane conservatives begin to flirt with Libertarianism, and the word “Republican” instantly brings to mind a discreet brown log in the punch bowl. And then, with the chairmanships and ranking positions firmly in their rapacious grasp, they then “discover” this odd little curiosity. “Oh!” they will say with glad, though feigned, surprise “…look at this! Why, I had no idea! Mercy me, a good thing this didn’t fall into the wrong hands! We must, simply must assign a committee to investigate the possibility of forming a study group to take some sort of action. Someday…”

And then, when Hillary is made Chancellor…

You might want to be a little faster next time.

Reeder’s fast, but I’m easy. Works for me.

Hey, I like 'em slow and easy, big guy. :smiley:

I can’t un derstand how minds this subtle, this treacherous, this Machiavellian, failed to come up with sufficient ruses to secure the Presidency in the recent election.

Obviously they wanted to loose, thus setting up the Repubs to take the fall for the Dem engineered Iraq fiasco and budget deficit. I mean, come on, John Kerry!!! They had to run Sharpton and Kucinich in the primaries just to make him seem like a half belivable candidate.

Didn’t you get the memo? It was to make sure that Hilary would have a clear run in 2008, of course! We wouldn’t want to campaign against a Democratic incumbent, and wouldn’t want to wait too long, so we had to do this, for the good of our party.

The Dems were so crafty, they even got the Thuglicans to confess:

For the avoidance of doubt, Istook is a Thuglican.

Considering that this amendment was in there for about 10 minutes before everyone was jumping up and down complaining, there was NO chance it would actually become law.

This also puts into stark relief one of the biggest problems with our system. The fact that a “spending bill” could have amendments completely unrelated to spending. How does a spending bill wind up giving powers like this to congressmen? It’s garbage that things like this get stuffed into bills that are voted on for other purposes.

I hate politicians.

Excuse me, but according to the AP story, it’s in the final version of the bill, the one that passed both houses of Congress and is headed to the President’s desk. The Dems spotted it after it had made its way through.

Here’s the wording:

Istook ought to be drummed out of Congress, stripped of his citizenship, and shown to the border. This is the stuff of fascist regimes and Latin American strongmen of a bygone era (for the most part, anyway). This sort of thing has no place in America.

Maybe not in that old America, but this is the new, improved 2004 'Murika Presented By BushCo.

Clinton said he was going to build a “bridge to the 21st century.” Then Bush took over, considered bridge-building to be collectivist Democratic pork-barrelling, and decided it would be better to privatize and just pay old Charon a soul-toll to cross into the 21st century on his ferry.

Next stop First Circle, kids!

He also gave his thread a usefully descriptive title, unlike yours. Advantage: Reeder.

And yet, here you are.

I only stopped by to admonish you for falling for the Limbaughesque use of “Democrat”, as in:

"Democrat Skullduggery to Undermine Republicans!!
And it’s the Democratic Party, not the Democrat Party.


AAaaaarrrgh! Limbaugh cooties!

An excellent OP! Witness the absolute rhetorical mastery of Our Man in the North elucidator! So many great turns of phrase, but this one really stood out:

Brings tears to one’s eyes, doesn’t it? And notice, not one single curse was used!

I am humbled.

9 out of 10.

“I love compliments, we all do. Burglars, humorists, Congressmen…all of us in the trade. Why, I could live for a week on single compliment! But I was near struck speechless by this complimentary thunderbolt! Never had I heard a compliment so well phrased, or so richly deserved!”

  • Mark Twain

Get a room. Honestly.

I hadn’t noticed this thread until it was linked to by one of the better-named ones on the same subject. I’m only here to complain again about my pet peeve, useless thread names.

Hmph. I’ve been trying to entice the OP into one since Post #4, but does he pay any attention? Hmph.