The Return of the Brontosaurus!

You made the baby Thesaurus* cry.

  • The smartest of the dinosaurs. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can we undelete Pluto now? Pretty please?

Well, all I can say is, Yabba-dabba-do!

I once read an article about bio-mechanical studies to try to figure out how dinosaurs moved, based on computer models of their skeletons and muscles. It was fairly straightforward stuff: this muscle can exert this amount of force on this bone, that muscle can exert that amount of force on that bone, etc.

When they modeled movement in an Apatosaurus tail, they came up with interesting numbers. By the time they got to the last vertebra at the tip of the tail, their calculations indicated supersonic speeds. Which raised the interesting possibility that Apatosaurus could create sonic booms by wagging its tail.

“Thunder Lizard” is a much better name for such a beast.

That is AWESOME!

FWIW, though, I know someone whose Great Dane took out an entertainment center by wagging his tail.

Sounds like a whip. A whipcrack, as has long been speculated, turns out to be a mini sonic boom:

Pluto is fine, it is just a Dwarf Planet and we’re back down to 8 planets. Keep in mine it is not even the largest Dwarf Planet.

As to the Bronto, it was never actually wrong to call the Apatosaurus a Brontosaurus, Brontosaurus was just a junior synonym** for Apatosaurus** and those that were sticklers about not calling it Brontosaurus were asses.

I am glad science might be ending this bit of silliness via additional research that will probably separate the 2 creatures.

The proper term isn’t “Little Planet”?

Well, if we do then there’s at least ten planets, including Eris and maybe Ceres for 11. And up to another dozen, maybe even more - current guess is 340.

It’s almost impossible to come up with a definition of “planet” that includes Pluto and not Eris and maybe Ceres. And maybe Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Triton, Titan and yes- Luna.

Pluto is just too far out and too small to make it as a Planet without making dozens if not hundreds or thousands of other items also planets.

Planetoid-American, please. Let’s keep this PC.

Wait. This Brontosaurus comeback doesn’t involve Anne Elk, does it?

Don’t call it a comeback. It’s been here for years, rocking its peers, putting suchosaurs to tears.

Brontosaurus is back in the same sense that the speed of light was proven wrong a couple years ago.

I was just happy when Pandas got reinstated as bears. Scientists are a wacky bunch. I think these types of things are just an elaborate joke on the general public played out over time. They build up emotional support for a popular idea and then just suddenly yank it away. After everyone fights over it and starts to feel really stupid, they say ‘Just kidding!’ and put it right back the way it was.

I thought Scott Adams missed a trick there and he have called it steganosaurus.

Yeah, but now they’re not pandas any more :mad:.

Damn. Pull your pants back up again.

(BTW: That cracked me the hell up.)

What I don’t get is if it was determined (apparently erroneously) in 1903 that Brontosaurus was not a separate genus, why was the Brontosaurus name taught to school kids until fairly recently?

Now we have to get Eohippus back*. Fuck *Hyracotherium *

  • and it may be. Experts differ.

Since I don’t see an actual question in the OP, let’s move this over to MPSIMS.

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