The Return of the Brontosaurus!

–from Medusa and the Mot Juste by Ogden Nash.

Giant panda are bears???

…cry, weep, wail, lament, sob, howl, snivel, keen, blubber, bawl.

Craig Swanson’s image of Gorgon Zola:

Yep, and Red Pandas are not bears or racoons but probably and this is subject to on-going debate and research in a stand-alone family most closely related to the Procyonidae (racoon) family. Both families at least for now placed under the superfamily Musteloidea that includes the weasels and skunks.

On thing for sure about the Red Pandas, they are really cute.

On the Giant Panda, they are absolutely bears but there is no reason not to consider them pandas as panda has no scientific meaning and is a fair tag for two not closely related animals native to China that look somewhat similar.

There is a lot of reworking of where animals fit into the biological classifications. Red Panda have been bounced about quite a bit but Great Pandas have been bears for quite some time now.

From a bronto tail, the sonic boom might not be so mini. Probably not weapons grade, but still pretty damn cool, and it just has to be in the next *Jurassic Park *sequel.

Actually, all this stuff about primacy in naming requiring us to change the name from “brontosaurus” to “Apatosaurus” has always struck me as absurd. People can use whatever popular name they want – it’s the scientific classification that follows those rules. The public couldn’t care less about the Apatosaur, anyway.
Case in point: The Platypus.
Technically, by the same process that stripped the Bronto of its name, it isn’t. English zoologist assigned the name platypus to that duck-billed Australian monotreme in 1799. It was later found that the name (meaning “broad foot”) had already been assigned to a beetle. The official genus became Ornithorhynchus (“Bird-billed”), a designation givenm it in 1800 by zoologist Johann Blumenbach. And so it remains.
But nobody calls it an “Ornithorhynchus”. It’s a Platypus, a name that seems to fit. It didn’t bother people that the Linnaean name and the popular name are different, and there’s never been a call to change the popular name over. Pedants don’t harass the General Public with using the wrong name. So why should they ever have made such a fuss over the Brontosaurus.
They had a case about the head being wrong, but I’ll bet most people are still unaware of that (although museums have been trying to set the record straight for decades, now)

Is that the one with the long, dangling participles?

Only in Bored of the Rings

Another thread:

As a Great Dane owner, rule number one is "nothing lose/breakable is to be out from the hips down.

Actually our biggest problem with the Danes was that they would wag their tails, nail the counters/walls/fridge and cut them open. Blood would fly everywhere!

Two Bronto threads merged.

Oh, no!
A two-headed brontosaur!

The picture’s pretty bleak, gentlemen. The world’s climates are changing, the mammals are taking over, and we all have a brain about the size of a walnut.

Appropriately plodding theme song for this thread: The Move–Brontosaurus

True, but pedantic assholes will correct you, which is annoying as you cant kill them in this State. :stuck_out_tongue:

Jut like the ones that call Birds= Dinosaurs.

You’ve never had to deal with an angry parrot.

I’ve always liked the Brontosaurus because that was probably the first dinosaur I learned about. Apatosaurus is such a stupid name, I’ve always thought they should have just renamed it the Brontosaurus and let that other name die

Do you mean the people who reply to statements like “I wish dinosaurs were still around” with “well they are, all birds are”?

If so I guess that is annoying but I find the “Brontosaurus is wrong” crowd far worse as they were actually wrong and it was never incorrect to use the term.

Yes. I dont mind a scientific book pointing out that bird are technically dinos.