The Rocky Horror Glee Show (open spoilers)

Mark Salling’s still listed in the opening credits. Any idea when he’s returning?

How would one dress like a peanut allergy?

I’m losing interest in the show overall, didn’t care for last night’s episode. Would have rather seen RHPS done by the Glee cast with minimal Glee plot.

Watched the episode immediately after listening to the NPR * On Point *show about (the actresses playing) Rachel and Quinn appearing in a racy men’s magazine (GQ) layout.

Good call on Kurt not playing the Tim Curry role. Too obvious.

Mercedes playing that role was not a good call.

Will and Emma’s scene was good.

Britney should cut her hair like the wig she was wearing for her RHPS character. Looked good.

Liked that ab guy was all bummed about feeling too fat. Guys can have distorted body image issues too.

I pictured Wolowitz from Big Bang Theory.

[QUOTE=River Hippie]
Watched the episode immediately after listening to the NPR * On Point *show about (the actresses playing) Rachel and Quinn appearing in a racy men’s magazine (GQ) layout.

I saw that magazine and was irritated by the fact Finn was in the same spread and just wore regular clothes- no skinshots or sexy poses even.

I was going to say “Have to show election coverage all channels all night tuesday, you know. :rolleyes:” but it turns out coverage doesn’t start until 9pm, and 8pm is a rerun of Funk from season 1. Guess they’re just spacing things out so they don’t run out too soon before they break around Christmas.

It’s not just this season. They clearly established the duo as bi lovers last year, first with a line by Brittany saying something like “If sex is dating that would mean Santana and I were dating”, they’re just getting more blatant about it this year.

I’m not up on all the actors’ names, but assuming that’s Puck, minor spoiler he was in the previews for the next episode. And the mohawk is back!

I knew from the previews that this was not what they were planning, but I was still pulling for something on the order of dropping the whole “here-are-the-problems-of these-kids-at-their-school-and-look-how-much-everyone-tries-to-destroy-their-self-esteem” for this episode and just present a (shortened) version of the actual musical (a la Family Guy’s Star Wars parodies).

Is Rocky Horror too risque for a high school production? No – high school kids are advanced beyond any of the material in this 35-year-old show. But administrators and parents, who were the ones dancing and throwing rice in the 70s, would freak! This reminds me of my high school friends from that era, who panic at the thought of their kids smoking pot (it’s not the same as the pot we used to smoke, you know)…

I pretty amazed, for instance, that you’ve got a show like this, with out gay characters and closeted gay characters and out actors and show runners and is mostly about how great it is to sing SHOW TUNES, fergoshsakes, and they decided that you had to replace “transexual” with “sensational” in one of the best known songs from the musical…

If you gals & gay guys get to have exposed Chord every week, I say the rest of us get a weekly dose of writhing Jayma.
Writhing Jayma… Mmmmm!

Well, it’s not like they’ve had a lot of episodes showing Finn being comfortable prancing around in his underwear in front of everyone (I would have noticed that). And given that Rachel didn’t seem to know about it, I’d say it was just a particular example of the sorts of anxieties that all teenagers have. Sam, on the other hand, seems like a candidate for an episode dealing with male anorexia later on in the season.

Was she an expert or was this Will just flattering her to get her involved?

The show was never remotely believable. Didn’t last season have Kurt on the football team doing Beyoncé? Artie as a football player is as believable.

Both I think.

Exercise bulimia

Football players will do all sorts of bizarre & nonsensical stuff if they (& the coach) think it’ll help them win.

Is that true on the West Coast? I’d expect our coverage is going to start once the Eastern polls start closing and continue through the evening.

The Hell he wasn’t! Tim Curry’s audition song for the original RHS (stage) production was “Tutti Frutti”, you know.

I loved Mercedes’ take on the character and songs. The best parts of this ep. weren’t where they duplicated the film flawlessly, but where they deviated from it, like “Sweet Transvestite.”

I wish they’d staged the show. Now they need to show some kind of consequence for producing the props, costumes, etc. without an actual show resulting. This is a school where the principal keeps threatening to pull the plug on Show Chorus over some forty dollar shortfall, after all.

I thought the episode sucked, for all the reasons already mentioned, but the high point for me was Kurt playing Riff-Raff. That was just crazy good. He stole every scene he was in. The actor who plays him has a lot of talent.

Oh, and Finn’s singing sucked, even with the massive auto-tune.

Fox is in kind of dispute with Cablevision (not only is the channel blocked, but the website too!), so I had to find the episode in a dark alleyway of the internet. A lot of people were complaining about autotune in this episode, but this is the first episode where I didn’t notice it all.

Loved the “casting”. Finn IS Brad, and Santana and Brittany ARE Magenta & Columbia. Mercedes was an inspired choice for Frank. Artie was obvious for the professor, as was Sam for Rocky. Kurt was unrecognizable as Riff. Dentist guy made a great Meatloaf (although I think Mike was Eddie for the last scene).

It was dumb to have two Magentas and Columbias though. S&B nailed those parts, and the other girls should have just been unconventional conventionalists.

Mike wouldn’t have made sense as Frank, but it was annoying to not get to see him sing yet. I don’t count the duet episode, since he was singing in a stylized talky way for that song.

Loved Will & Emma’s duet (except perhaps for the final hovering of the students over Emma). Loved the songs.

I’m glad we got to see both Finn and Sam in their skivvies before they covered up. It was kind of silly that Finn’s exposure drove so many students to madness though.

The censorship was kind of dumb. Not that it happened, after all it made sense for the plot, but the way it was done. I mean “bed fretting” is really more Disney than “bed wetting”? “Heavy petting” is too risque? And “transvestite” is fine, but not “transexual”? Very random.

Um, the original lyric is “seat wetting” :wink: much dirtier in that context than bedwetting. And I agree that the way they handled censorship made zero sense. Sue goes along with staging RHS so she can capitalize on a moral panic and win a local Emmy; then bowldlerizes the lyrics to make it more family friendly? :dubious:

And Sweet Transvestite was butchered; how is Mercedes-as-Frank still a transvestite when they threw in that line about her being a girl?

Emma is getting “better” with the dentist guy, but he doesn’t seem like the sensitive healing type. Dentists have access to various anesthetic drugs. Could he be drugging her…?

Either way, I like her better. And it’s probably less drugs than “I’m ****ing [a dentist who looks like] John Stamos!” doing the magic (assuming she’s not still a virgin).

I miss the titles of the self-help pamphlets- they need to bring those back.

Was this the first time Emma has sung?

Hulu has it, decent quality. It’s storefront as opposed to alleyway.

Nope. “I could have danced all night” and “like a virgin”.