The Romney Tapes - thoughts as to how they'll affect the election?

I wonder how many Republicans sitting in that room with Romney benefit from tax breaks and government contracts that make them “owned.”

That’s debatable, but it’s a far cry from saying they make a choice to not take responsibility for themselves - which is what Romney said. He didn’t call them helpless, he called them lazy losers.

Please back up that claim.

Except the largest portion of “the dependent” are elderly people who are mostly voting Republican. This has been explained dozens of times since Romney’s comments were made public.

Wrong, absurd, and rather offensive.

How convenient! But Romney said he was.

Who are they, and how do you know who they are?

It didn’t.

If its so friggen advantageous for the poor to vote Democrat, then why do Red States get most of the Welfare Funding?

Been there. Used to cater this kind of event. I’d say from the view, you’re probably right about it being one of the servers, set this up.

Thing is, someone from the group, will probably reach out to the service staff and ask for their support. Probably before they pay up. Entirely ignorant, that the staff, are forced by circumstance, to smile sweetly, say something polite and shake hands.

So they generally leave the event believing the chefs, (who also smiled sweetly and spoke politely when the organizers went in to compliment on the meal!), bartenders, servers, y’know, the little people, still connect with, and support them.

It’s very sad.

I wearily, but sincerely, ask for a cite.

Probably, seeing as the Republican strongholds in the South have some of the highest food stamp usage in the country.

That nonsense was debunked long ago. Then again, Republicans don’t like having fact-checkers upset their presidential campaigns or their world-view…

I suspect that most folks who repeat what they heard on Fox News have no idea exactly how the 1996 welfare reform act worked (hint: It’s no longer run by the federal government…).

Exactly! Now you’re finally getting it! A lot of those 47% "welfare’ recipients will, in fact, vote Republican. Glad you finally rid yourself of Reagan’s ‘welfare queen’ BS, I was beginning to lose hope. …

To me, the most disturbing part was this little gem:

So, Mitt, if a situation arose where hostages were taken or Americans killed, you’d rush in and exploit that opportunity? I hope you were kidding. Oh wait a minute, that’s exactly what you did with the Libyan attack.

Romney is a very small man indeed.

Mitt Romney – son of a moocher.

Why, they are the ones who vote for the Democrats, silly! That’s how we tell the difference between real Americans and shiftless moochers even when they otherwise look identical.


I seriously mean this - are there statistics that show a voting preference based upon a % of total income that comes via government aid?

This claim is made, I’d like to see it backed up. “It feels right” isn’t proof, of course.

Didn’t click on the link. I’m almost certain you’re engaging in an ecological fallacy, where you assume that because a state has a high percentage of people on food stamps that it must mean that there are a high percentage of Republicans in the state on food stamps when this doesn’t have to be the case.

A more likely reason that southern states have some of the highest food stamp usage in the country is more than likely because of Democrat voting minorities who live in these states. Approximately half of Blacks live in the South and they are more likely to be on foodstamps than their White counterparts relative to percentage of the population they constitute. So while one of these states would vote Republican, within the state the majority of food stamp users would vote Democrat, a case where the overall state voting trend doesn’t match up with the individual trend.

“Didn’t click on the link”. “Now, let me give you a reasoned response to why whatever might be in there isn’t true…” :smack:


OMG is a conservative. Why should facts matter in small scale arguments when they don’t drive policy.

This is just ridiculous and incoherent.

The reason southern states have higher food stamp usage rates is that they have more poor people who qualify for food stamps. It is not “because of” the existence of a political voting bloc.

Whether or not the people using foo stamps vote Democratic or Republican is a separate matter, and one you’ve provided no evidence for either way.

If you go through life insisting upon wearing ear plugs and eye plugs, it ought to be mandatory that you also use a mouth plug.

OMG will not allow himself to be dictated to by fact-checkers.