The Russian female solider parade uniform is high heels and a mini skirt?

Only one thing I can think of saying here. Babushka!

Well, all I can say is that if more soldiers dressed like that there would be less war…Except maybe for the Swiss Guardsmen…oh yeah, and the Scots of course.

Oh really? Guess so. Hadn’t noticed their shoes…

Umm … seriously? This is a “white race” thing now?

I was thinking the same thing. When confronted with an image of beautiful women, should you find your mind immediately drawn to their race, then you are probably the sort of person who’d revel in the Italian-ness of a good lasagna rather than the taste.

How sad, having to go through life with such a crippling intellectual defect.

Picture number 47 really put a tear in my eye ( and no it wasnt the hot babes it was the very old guy on the bench)

it’s just me. i just like seeing hot blonds and brunettes. never you mind.

i like the taste of lasagna and the thought that it’s italian. i commented for my own benefit that’s all. that’s not being sad.

Nope. But anything that smacks of “The Glory of the White Race” comes across as amazingly racist. Of course, you knew that.

Maybe where you are. Most of the female police I’ve seen around here are in pretty good shape. Mostly because on average they’re barely 30 years old. Police work is still a mostly-male job, but the number of females is growing rapidly, leading to them being concentrated at the young end of the spectrum.

Now the parking meter enforcement folks downtown are a different matter.

But progress is being made. Russians are apparently white people now.

what if i told you i got the idea from black power, and brown power, and gay pride?

Wouldn’t change a damn thing.

Black power, gay pride and the like are the totally normal and expected attempts to correct an injustice.

White Power is racist garbage, often dressed up in “but what about MY culture” trappings. It’s garbage, as is anyone who spouts it.

thanks for that. i’ll remember it. see you around.

I do love the way that white power rangers so often spend tremendous amounts of time and effort trying to sort out exactly what counts as white. I used to argue with those people back on usenet (remember that?), and can recall being told that:

  1. I count as a white person because my ancestry is French.
  2. I don’t count as a white person because my family is Catholic
  3. I don’t count as white because French-Canadians are largely mixed with Natives
  4. Wait, I do count as white if I choose to self-identify as such
    and my personal favourite…
  5. I don’t count as white because Canada is a socialist cesspool.

The more time they spend beating each other up over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, the better off the rest of us are. So say I.

i can assure you it’s neither higher math nor rocket science.

I don’t see this train ever getting on track again.

Closing the thread.