The SDMB Ex-Smoker’s club, 2001 edition

It’s almost a month later and I thought I’d bring this thread back up and ask how everyone’s doing. Manhatten, how goes it? Arden are you still cutting down or have you made the leap?**, Callie, I know you’re still quit (yay!) - how’s it feel?

Personally, I’m still quit :slight_smile: So that’s 6 weeks nicotine free. It feels longer. I think I may have finally cracked it - I’m really beginning to think of myself as a non-smoker and I haven’t given in despite massive temptation and the influence of alcohol. I can run a whole mile on the treadmill now (might not sound that much but it’s impressive to me), i breathe easier, I don’t cough in the mornings and I don’t smell. I really sound like I’m blowing my own trumpet don’t I? What i’m trying to say is that the benefits are far outweighing the nastiness of quitting.

So… is anyone else thinking of quitting? I’d be happy to offer a bit of know-what-it-feels-like support where needed.


last night. I am wearing the patch, so it’s not too bad… but I’m leaving tonight to see my mother :eek:

In some ways that will make things easier, but in others it will be harder. Wish me luck!

sigh I caved…a while ago actually(3-4 weeks), I was just ashamed to admit it.

I have to quit again now. I still hate the way I smell, they way cigarettes smell, all of it.
I’m going to go download the silkquit meter to the new computer, pick a date, and get set to get going again.

deep sigh here I go again.

Oh No Lsura - what happened? Please try again soon. Damn - I just hate that! You were a pretty big influence in me even starting to think about quitting…

Yes, Fran is right - I’m still not smoking. Yea me! And it does get easier - although I’m still worried about eventually having a weak moment. I can’t imagine ever buying another pack of cigarettes though. I can instantly tell when someone smokes now - the smell is so strong. I can smell it on people I just pass on the street. Its incredible how strong it is. And the smell is not a good one… However, I still love the smell of cigarette smoke though - and will inhale sharply whenever I smell it. That smells good to me. So I’m still taking it one day at a time - which is better than it use to be at one minute/hour at a time.

So, Manhattan - how are you doing? I only allow non-smokers in my apt. now. :smiley:

[sub]thanks for putting me in your crush list and yes - I’m of age ;)[/sub]

Goodluck Sassy - hope things weren’t too stressful with your mom. At some point I just had to say to myself… “it doens’t matter what happens - I will not smoke”. If you even need or want to talk - my email address is in my profile.

…I quite smoking last Friday.

By best friends mum died of cancer on the following Monday and it was really painful.

He told me in great detail all the problems she had and how she died.

It took me a bit, but I finally said…screw it…and right in front of my co-workers, crushed my pack of smoke and threw them out…

I had a half of a cig that night and couldn’t take it…I put it out and I haven’t had one since.

Here’s to good health!

I quit smoking one year, three months, two weeks and three days ago. I think this time it’s for good.
I started smoking when I was 12 (evil! Bad!) and quit three months before my 29th birthday. I quit while I was pregnant (once), started up again; Quit smoking for an ex, who was a non-smoker. I couldn’t stay away from smokers, though, and started again.
What did the trick this time was Zyban. God (or your deity of choice) bless Zyban. That, and kicking out my ex-mother-in-law from my home. Ended stress, and got the smell out of my house as she was a heavy smoker.

Good luck to all of you!!! I can honestly say that I have not had a craving for a cigarette in over a year. Just the thought of smoking one now, or even just a puff, makes me feel ill.


Lots of factors, mainly thinking that smoking would help me deal with the stress of a new boss who I hated(it doesn’t-it really just makes me more stressed).

I do have another day set-this Sunday. It’s the first day of the week, and since I have this love for schedules, I can schedule that day and Monday around it. Although thinking about it, Saturday(tomorrow) may be better with 3 days to get the nicotine out of my system before I have to face the bitch on Tuesday. Hmmmm.
Thanks Callie-I’ve avoided this thread for a while, but reading about your efforts got me thinking that I needed to quit again, and I had to admit it to people here, since everyone was so good when I decided to quit in the first place.

I caved. Family stuff. There’s a reason I live 250 miles away. Add that to the fact that they pretty much all smoke like chimneys, and my self-built support system crumbled.

Pity, too. It was a good support system. For example, my bartender quit. We were quitting buddies. Now she’s punishing me – No more Ketel One until I’ve quit.

More family stuff this weekend (although, in this case it’s good news – I hope to have a thread on the subject Tuesday).

So Tuesday is my new quit date. I really do want to kick this thing.

Hang in there, baby and do not see this as a failure. It’s only a set back.

You can dot it.

'Cause if you don’t…




you can do it even.

I really, really should not type before I’ve had my first Dt. Dr Pepper of the day.

:: sighs ::

I caved as well. It was a few weeks ago. I’ve been going through a stressful time (I know, there’s no excuse) and they are my first (and only, pretty much) crutch.

I think I’ve decided that Monday will be my last day … again.

Now three and a half months and…STILL NOT SMOKING CIGS!!
Went back to weed, though, just for sanity’s sake.

Wow! What a coincidence! I just quit smoking. Had my last one last night, and am sitting at work with the patch and a bucket of carrot sticks. Smoke free for 9 hours. I’m glad to know you are out there for support. Thanks team!

manhattan, Lsura, and the others who caved:

Happened to me last year. I was an active member of Shayna’s support group for those who had quit, and I quit for two weeks. Then I backslid, and avoided the thread like the plague, because I was ashamed of myself. Wally and Shayna and everyone else made me feel much better, though.

That was a year ago. I’m still smoking. But today, I woke up with a new urge–to quit. It hit me like a tidal wave, out of nowhere. So, that’s what I’m going to do.

I’ve got some inhalers here, and I think I’m going to start using them either tonight or tomorrow. Got them from a friend. But I’m going to my doctor next week, to get a prescription of my own.

My current money situation sucks big ol’ rocks. I can’t afford these things anymore. My biggest obstacle has been the fact that I genuinely like smoking. It tastes good, and makes me feel better. But I can’t afford it anymore. I just can’t. That’s also why I’m going with the inhaler this time–my insurance will cover it. They don’t cover the patch anymore, since it went OTC, and buying a weeks’ worth of patches costs almost as much as a weeks’ worth of smokes.

I will let you know when you can begin counting me among your ranks.

[sub]…now wondering if I manage to quit, will I make manhattan’s crush list too…:D[/sub]

I just started a thread (not realizing I should have just jumped in here [sub]I am an attemtion slut[/sub]), announcing in a half-assed, roundabout, oh-my-god-I’m-so-addicted-to-nicotine-It’s-rediculous kind of way, my intention to quit smoking.

I just bought a pack this morning. I don’t know if I have the moral fortitude to throw it away and start right now. But I won’t buy another pack tomorrow and call that the kick off to a new healthier (and possibly portlier) me.

I hope.

One day, 9 hours, 17 minutes and 34 seconds. 27 cigarettes not smoked, saving $5.55. Life saved: 2 hours, 15 minutes.

You can do it, guys. For me, the patches have been a real lifesaver. The only cravings I’ve had were for the taste. Man, I really wanted one after dinner last night just for that taste, but instead I kissed my wife, who still smokes. That way, I got the taste without having had a smoke. So that’s my new advice, when you want a cig, kiss a smoker!

Persephone, have you thought about having your doc prescribe Zyban instead of inhalers? From what I’ve read, the inhalers ain’t so great for quitting because it duplicates the habit. However, everyone’s different. Do what works for you.

Good luck everyone!

still craving a butt every minute of every day.

Last weekend I wanted one so bad I got on my hands and knees and banged my head on the floor. Hard enough to leave a mark. On my head and the floor. Not fun. Still, it didn’t cost me three bucks a pack. And I DID get a kind of lightheaded feeling for a few minutes afterward… maybe banging your head on the floor is a good substitute!!

Don’t give in. And good luck to everyone trying, I know what a giant pain it is to keep this monkey at bay. Whatever you do, don’t beat yourself up if you backslide- if you do that you’ll never have enough confidence to quit again.


I would like to suggest that everyone involved in this thread go over and read GrizzRich’s post in Jack’s linked to thread above - it is very moving - or it was for me anyway.
Manhattan - Sorry to hear that you caved! I’ll send you good thoughts on Tuesday - keep us posted on how it goes.

Arden Ranger - you didn’t let us know how you were doing? Dare I ask?
Persephone - good luck, it is hard but you can do it. Use inhalers, Zyban, patches, gum - anything that helps you. I used the gum for the first week - which worked just by keeping my mouth busy - and it helped that I acually liked the gum - I liked the consistancy it kept for more than three hours at a time. :slight_smile:

[sub] BTW, my quitting smoking didn’t have anything to do with Manhattan putting me on his crush list… ;)[/sub]

You can do it August West - if you need something other than smoking to do after eating dinner - get up and clean the kitchen - its something active and it keeps your hands busy. Course, I’m sure kissing your wife is fine too - ya know- whatever works. :smiley:

Mauvaise - goodluck on Monday! Try to get something to help with the physical cravings… It helps - if only a little.

To everyone, please feel free to email me if you’re really craving a cigarette and need something to do with your hands. I did an entire hook rug the first day I quit - seven weeks ago - does anyone remember what those are?

August: Can’t do Zyban. I’m epileptic, and my doctors are not comfortable with the increased risk of seizure activity that has been associated with Zyban. Besides, I’m already taking two other anti-depressant meds.

I have been forming something resembling a plan, though. I’m going to do the inhalers for a while, and then invest in some carrot sticks. :smiley:

Incentive, callie! I have incentive!
