The sea gulls are swarming!

There’s more than 20 of 'em hanging around outside my window, just flying around in the wind.

I do not live near a dump (although, I suppose, my apartment could be considered one right now), and I do not live near the water. This is odd.

Should I be worried? :eek:

Has anyone nearby got a skip?
(If ‘skip’ is something non-international. translates as ‘large temporary metal container for refuse’)

There was a skip outside my back yard once, it attracted seaguls like mad.

I hate the buggers.

When I lived near Chicago we would see them inland when Lake Michigan was stormy. They also seem to like freshly ploughed fields, or large messy parking lots.

Nope, no Dumpster. They’re just out there.

Flying around.

Watching me.

I’m a little creeped out about this.

Actually I’m probably not the best person to put you at ease, since I am the one constantly afraid of being poo’d on, and with intent.

Hmm…around here it’s been the starlings, several times in the last couple of weeks or so.
There’s a certain stretch of road where I’ve seen them sitting and filling up the electrical wires, pole to pole, 3 wires to a span, for a full mile. Off in the distance I’ve seen clouds of them taking off. This is not an isolated area; there’s a shopping mall, two movie theaters, a hotel, office complexes, stores, restaurants and residences all along this stretch. It’s incredibly creepy, like they’re just sitting and WATCHING all the hustle and bustle.
Someday, Hitchcock’s movie will be looked back upon as a fine documentary film…:eek:

Twenty? Twenty seagulls is a swarm?

Then you haven’t been to St. Petersburg Beach, Florida or Lincoln City, Oregon, or any public beach in between, carrying a bag of stale bread or a box of popcorn to feed to the birds, and then suddenly finding yourself at the focus of a hundred or more seagulls, all squawking and crying and wheeling and diving and inviting more of their buddies from miles and miles around to come take advantage of the sucker.

And to poop on him.

chique, I would highly advice you not to see Alfred Hitchcock’s *The Birds * at this point. :wink:

Advise, of course. :smack:

Eh, you’re fine. Nothing to worry about! You are lucky! You got birdies to watch outside your window.

Of course I don’t know where you live: near a lake? river? sea? If so, then that would explain it.

However, I don’t live near any of the above, and I still see seagulls sometimes, so it’s all good.

Biloxi, Mississippi, March 2004. Roadside lunch stop at the cement steps leading from US Highway 80 to the Gulf beach. Finished my sandwich; tossed a bit of leftover bread to a solitary seagull I saw standing nearby. Exponential swarms.

I ran back to the car, afraid they would eat me; as soon as I was gone they dispersed, so I handed another piece of bread to Gunslinger (::evil::slight_smile: and told him he should feed the cute birdies.

The result

Hmm…around here it’s been the starlings, several times in the last couple of weeks or so.

At least this one is easy to explain. This the time of year starlings gather in giant mega flocks to get ready to head south. Give 'em a month or so and they’ll be gone.

An interesting thing about the millions of starlings in North America is that every single one of them are descended from a flock of 100 that were released in Central Park about 110 years ago. When we first moved out here to Seattle, there were no starlings at all. They started showing up in the mid-to-late '60’s and now they’re everywhere. Try to find another creature (besides man) that can breed so succesfully and expand their range so fast.

Oh, I know from sea gull swarms…I was in the Navy for five years, after all, stationed in sea gull friendly places.

I’m in Minnesota again. While there are a couple of sea gulls in my neck of the woods now and again, 20 sea gulls swarming outside my apartment window is…spooky.

Whoa! You just made the hair on the back of my neck stand up! My husband commented about the starlings gathering and flying in abundance just about twelve hours ago.

And I don’t impress easily with starlings. I grew up in a county in Tennessee that had an intentional mass killing of 3 million of them at one time (by freezing) back in the 1960’s.

I think I will just go and inject myself with a fungus and get a headstart on histoplasmosis. Why give those damned birds the thrill of tracking me down again?

OK, does a Tennessee county have secret weather controlling technology that none of the rest of us has gotten yet? If not, how did they intentionally freeze three million starlings?

Also, could you please translate your last paragraph for those of us (and I can’t be the only one, can I?) who didn’t understand it?

racinchiki that’s hilarious! Evil, but hilarious. :smiley: I like that quality in a person. The starlings are swarming everywhere around here. Yesterday, just before sunset there were jillions of em in my front yard making all those creepy cheepy noises. :eek: Then, suddenly, they all took off at one time going south. I think they hang out in the trees along the river bank about a mile south of me.

Course the really cool thing right now is the flocks of geese I see early in the mornings and late afternoons right now. Love seein’ em flying over in “V” formation.

Oooh, swampbear, I hear ya. One of the best parts of fall for me. :slight_smile:

chique, if any of them fly directly over your head, run away–seagull poop is nasty and sticky, and the buggers have very good aim, and yes, I do speak from personal experience.

Is anybody else thinking "Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!??? :smiley:

Picture this: Driving down Beretania Street in Honolulu, window down, arm on door, dressed up for work and on my way to it. You’d think the stupid bird could hit my windshield, don’t you? But, no…it shit on my arm. :mad:

First, DO NOT throw anything at them. If you throw it, it must be food, and the flock will grow.

You need:
1 Bottle Rocket
1 bottle.

Take the bottle rocket, place it stick first in the bottle. Walk a little ways away from the flock. Light the rocket. Aim carefully, give it some arc, and aim for the cener of the flock.

If you’ve aimed correctly, the rocket would have landed in the middle of them. When it explodes, they will decide it is not worth their time to hang out in an artillery range, and move on to plague some other poor soul.