The September of my Rants

Haha! I have my own little feline jerk. She’s a biter (mostly out of affection, but also annoyance), and I’ve never been able to break her of it, although she’s much better now than she was when I got her.

I built a Little Free Library out by the sidewalk. My cat likes to hang out there and get skritches from people who stop by. As I watch from the living room window, I see people bend down to pet her, and within a few seconds, yank their hands back. I should get a motion-sensor camera and figure out how to monetize this on youtube or whatever is the place to be nowadays…

At Halloween, I have a fake cat skeleton that I put out in her spot.

A minor pit and a un-pitting.

A pitting to the person who replied to an announcement of the new Ford Raptor in Germany, with the color blue they chose is gay.

However what Ford did was great. I don’t drive a pickup, but If i did I would love one in this color. Gold Glitter and rainbows. very gay truck

and for those who don’t want to read the whole article.
a very gay truck

Thanks so much for posting this. Made my day! My favorite part of the article is this: “Pay attention, because this is how you shut down the haters — with glitter.”

The crazy renter next door is apparently moving out. Why is she crazy? Well, the rather large house has been turned into three rental units. It wasn’t originally designed for that, so the power, water, and gas for all three apartments are all shut off in the basement. The woman apparently shut one or all of them off on a whim, which means the other units are without. She ignores phone calls and knocks on the door. Additionally, she often sits in her apartment shouting at clouds. Needs help, obviously.

You’d only have kept them apart!

My rant: Watching the news lately is making me miserable, and miserable to be around. But I’m still obsessed with it. I keep thinking the pendulum is about to swing back the other way, and every day that it doesn’t I get a little crazier. I read news on the internet all day and then at night watch it on TV. And I already know everything that happened today, but I want to watch it with my husband so he can know it too. Then I’m angry because the TV shows don’t give enough coverage to what I think is important, or my husband doesn’t react the way I think he should.

Dung_Beetle, are you me?

I’m getting so depressed. Afghanistan and the Taliban, fires in the West, flooding in the East, hurricane season ain’t over by a long shot, Covid Covid everywhere, Texas lawmakers hate women.

Can we get one little break around here?

Several years ago on a trip back home to visit my mom, she was having toilet trouble and wanted me to try to replace the fill valve for her. We had to make several trips to the hardware store before it was all over. At one point the guy at the hardware store said “Well you know, it’s not a real plumbing project without at least three trips to the hardware store.”

I work in a hardware store. My usual advice is buy everything you think you MIGHT need so you can complete the job on the first attempt. That way the inevitable second trip is just to return the unneeded items.

I’m in my 60s, and don’t have those issues but the gut is another story. I view a long drive with a certain amount of dread, as the bowels can go from zero to 60 a hell of a lot faster than any race car out there.

My current rant: With all the weather we’ve been having lately (rain daily, EXCEPT the day Ida went by, largely skipping our county), I assume this has triggered growth of something out there, to which my immune system is taking VIOLENT exception. Some of you have likely heard me sneezing, it’s been so loud: I once told my allergist that “when I sneeze, people in California run outside” (thinking it’s an earthquake… note that I am on the other coast…).

And it’s not just the sneezing, there’s some wheezing etc. going on too. Other household members are having the same problems, if not to quite such a high point on the Richter scale.

Speaking of sneezing and wheezing…

I’m seeing an allergist and an ophthalmologist for various reasons, and am taking four different eye drops and two nasal sprays. I have to take one once daily, others twice, another 3x a day and another 4x. I actually had to do a spreadsheet to remember when to take which med.

And that’s on top of the handful of pills I have to take every day.

Isn’t it exciting to get old?

Yesterday I called AT&T to try and follow up on possible discounts. Amazingly enough, I was able to get through to someone without having to work my way through fifteen phone trees or sit on hold for half an hour. Bad news: No current promotions to reduce my TV bill. Good news: I was able to upgrade my internet access to a higher speed with a package that includes free HBO and a $50 gift card, which will result in a new decrease in my monthly outlay. I was also advised that I should try calling later in the month about the TV package, as new promotions may open up.

Also, I had ranted in August about my HBO and Paramount + apps not working on my Fire TV. Yesterday I tried restarting the TV, and now both apps are working fine.

I use Amazon Fire on one of my TVs and both of those apps got massive updates recently.

I had gotten an update on my Fire TV early last week which included a complete overhaul of the home screen and the way my apps were displayed. A day or so after the update I was looking for something on the home screen and somehow managed to change it so everything shrank. I couldn’t figure out how to reverse it, so I finally restarted the TV in hope that it would reset the resolution, which it did. Then I decided to see if the restart and/or update had also fixed the app problems.

Now if I can just get Paramount to stop kicking the volume up on their commercials. I’m starting to wonder if it’s a plot to get people to upgrade to the ad-free plan.

I was looking for an old site with cat pictures*, and a bunch of porn sites came up! And some of them looked like young teens – am I in trouble??? You people know me, and you know I would never, EVER do this. Now I’m scared shitless. :rage:

(It was really cute, it was called “Kitty Porn” – yes, I swear to god. I even put the word “cats” with the search term…but it still didn’t help. Goddammit!!! But it’s not around anymore. Fuckers)

You were fine until you confessed to us. Now it’s out there. Agents are watching you at this moment.

I’m risking so much telling you this, when they find out

Ha ha, very funny. It’s just been a really shitty year, and I don’t need any of this.

My wife used to be a supplies buyer for a college bookstore. There was company that she and a coworker had come across at a trade show, who sold a line of soap and body care products called “Dirty Girls” that was aimed at college age women. Some time later they were trying to remember the name of the company so they could order stuff from them, so they googled “dirty girls”. They most certainly did not get the results they were looking for!

I have child filters activated on my comp for just this reason. I can shut the filters off if I want to look at porn, or any other reason, but it really helps me to avoid seeing things I’m not in the mood for.

I was just always told, even an accidental find of something could get you in trouble, but Jesus, would that kind of shit would be on Google?

Like I said, it looked more like the whole “teen models” bullshit, not out and out child porn, but god, WTF??? That’s not something I’d put out there.

-Putting on my serious hat-

If you were an employee doing a search on a computer where they tracked all of your online activity, you might be subject to an internal investigation. If it was a one-off though, most likely a plausible explanation would be enough unless they were already looking for a reason to fire you.

As a private individual doing this on your personal computer you have nothing to worry about. If you downloaded photos and stored them in a location you’d be likely to browse for them (a ”Photos” folder as opposed to a web cache, for example) then if the authorities had a reason to investigate you; say you were accused of a crime and there was probable cause for your machine to be seized with a search warrant, then under all of those circumstances you might have a reason to be worried.

Accidentally finding a web site in a search on your own computer has zero risk to you, at least in the US. (And most places outside of the US who have a stranglehold on ISPs and monitor traffic of citizens would probably block a site like that anyway.)

So no, you have nothing at all to worry about at this point, you’re fine.