The settlers MMP

oh no!

Shocking news. Seems very sudden. RIP Herbs…

Oh no! Herbs was one of my sweetest online friends. This is a shock. May she RIP.

RIP herbs :frowning:

nettie, a 3.88 is pretty darn respectable in my opinion. WTG!

It’s a hurry-up-and-wait kind of day.

Back with my car - they didn’t rotate the tires, so I need to have that done next time. I stopped at Bed, Bath and Beyond and got **FCD **a new body pillow. His old one was close to dead, and he sleeps better when he can throw himself over the pillow. Then I went to Staples and got some blank CDs, then to WalMart for a big plastic container - I’m going to put in the afghans I made for my niece and future nephew-in-law. That way they get afghans and a thingie to store them in. And I’m going to wrap it in a giant plastic tablecloth - just like I did with her shower gift. Those things are great for large packages!!

I had lunch at Red Robin. My server remembered me from when I was there months ago - weird. And after I ate, I came home via Food Lion where, among other things, I scored some A&W diet on sale - my sweetie really likes that root beer.

So now I’m home and the house is closed up and the a/c is on, dammit. Gotta start thinking about what to thaw for supper.

the high school seniors down your way are a wild and crazy bunch

Yoiks, sari!! I’ve been to that school - we used to have to vote there, plus my daughter and I went to a TERRIBLE dance recital that was held in their auditorium. They’ll never get all the ladybugs cleaned up - NEVER!!!

I can’t believe they are being charged as criminals.

I heard they were vacuuming them up, why not just open the doors and windows and let the poor things escape on their own?

Maybe the lunchroom ladies can round up a bunch of ladybugs for the next “manager’s special” day. :smiley:

Oh and I’m online “learnin’” as I post. So far it’s “learn” - 0, YAWNS - A bazillion. :dubious:

The thing with ladybugs, they don’t just escape. We had them in one building where I worked in Dahlgren. They hibernated or laid eggs or something above the acoustic tiles, and every year, we had a new batch of ladybugs in the office. For all I know, they’re still there. If they intend to rid the school of the critters, it’ll be expensive - I certainly don’t want to see my taxes go up because of an unexpected expenditure.

My guess is the charges will be pled down to paying for the removal and maybe some community service. But we shall see…

Goodbye, tarragon. Your kind manner will be missed.

Terrible news about our sweet,** Herbs**. She really was an exceptionally nice person. It seems sudden; I know she had health issues, but I was under the impression she was doing a little better. :frowning:

It’s Monday times infinity here. I can’t wait for this day to end.

Crickets are better, because they will die instead of breed. One year when I was still in school, the swimming pool had about 3 dozen goldfish dumped in. It wasn’t me, because I was just a sophomore when it happened.

I was always a fan of the piglet prank: release 3 piglets, numbered 1,2, and 4.

One high school where I grew up, the traditional prank was hoisting an Amish buggy onto the roof. Prank never got old…


After much research, our talent has found a true Swampy snack recipe!

FYI: herb’s brother posted an announcement. tarragon918 has passed away - Miscellaneous and Personal Stuff I Must Share - Straight Dope Message Board

RIP, Herbs.

You are an evil, evil man!!! :smiley:

I don’t think there was any senior pranking when I was in HS - if there was, I never heard about it, but I was pretty low key back then. I’m not a fan of mean pranks, but I have no problem with fun stuff - like everyone showing up with purple face paint or something.

My poor daughter - last week of school and she’s teaching sex ed to 7th graders. Last year, she started the class by repeating “Penis - Vagina - Penis - Vagina” over and over again, telling the kids to get the giggles out of their system. She’s a better person than I am - no way I’d want to deal with that curriculum with that age group. Heck, way back when I had sex ed, they separated the boys from the girls and we watched a filmstrip about periods. No idea what the boys were taught. But it was a Catholic school, so you know they weren’t going to tell us about putting tab A into slot B… :eek:

High school prank at my school was somebody putting limburger cheese on the radiator under one of the stairwells.
I had lady bugs when I lived out in the country. The entire back wall of my house was glass and a nice sunny winter day or a nice warm spring day would have the windows covered with lady bugs.

Howdy from da cave! I survived the irk day. YAY! ‘Tis gettin’ rainy out and I hope it does it all evenin’. I have a Stouffer’s lasagna in the oven. Don’t Judge! There shall also be green sallit and garlic bread.

flytrap are you takin’ cookin’ lessons from Satan? :stuck_out_tongue: