The shortest of rants for the shortest of months (mini rants)

The fiasco initiated by the USPS has concluded, and I have a small update. It took USPS 13 days to get the package to Canada, and once it arrived in Canada it was delivered in two days, not four. The Canada Post estimate was pessimistic. And the delivery in two days was despite the fact that USPS in their infinite wisdom sent the package to the wrong place. They sent it to Montreal, whereas Toronto is the closest major distribution center to me. If you look at a map and draw a straight line between Chicago and Montreal, Toronto is almost exactly halfway. To top it all off, I thought that the bookseller, who otherwise seemed like a nice guy, was ripping me off on shipping fees, but he wasn’t. The package showed something like $22 in USPS postage for this fuckup.

Such a pitiful minirant of mine…

A few weeks back I ordered something from Michael’s, the crafts store. And they did the same thing that most brick-and-mortar/web hybrids do these days: they send me a brand new email EVERY SINGLE DAY to remind me that they exist.

So I clicked the “unsubscribe” link and chose “fewer emails” and was promised I would get one per week. But I should be patient and wait two weeks for this to take effect, even though the spam was turned on instantly.

And they weren’t kidding. The spam continues.
If it doesn’t stop immediately at the two-week point, I’ll just declare them a spammer and have everything automatically go to the junk folder.

Sadly, I really do want the occasional email from them, but not at the cost of daily spam.

…on further inspection, I realized they are sending me two emails per day, every day. The morning edition and the afternoon edition. Ugh.

I’ve had a similar experience with Quill. I had ordered something from them about two years ago, and started getting one or two emails from them every day, plus additional promotions in snail mail. I finally had to send them automatically to the spam folder, and trash their mail when I get it. Nothing will stop them.

I hate morning sickness. I hate feeling nauseated. I hate that I’m constantly thinking about what to eat and how much to eat and when to eat. I want this to be over. I didn’t sleep well last night. I woke up to do some work that I didn’t get done yesterday and kinda messed up my rhythm. And now I’m super nauseated, punished for doing something outside the norm. Eating when I wasn’t supposed to and not eating when I was. I’m only 18 weeks pregnant. When will this be done?

I guess I won’t hold my breath waiting for the magat up the street from me to take his display down. He’s adding to it. For the last few months, it was something like sixteen American flags plus four Trump banners. Now he’s added about ten more flags. I can’t identify them all, but there’s a POW/MIA, some Marine Corp, and a Gadsden.
Can’t figure out the one on the left.
My other shots didn’t turn out. I was in a hurry because I don’t want to get caught surveilling the crazy guy’s house!

Holy crap! There is a house I pass when I go to the beer distributor that had TRUMP/PENCE signs all over the property. The other day I drove by and he had used an axe or something to hack off all the PENCE parts!!!

WTF is that guy trying to prove? That the 2020 election is still on? Why not take all that crap down and put up one simple sign that just says “Warning: Trump-voting imbecile lives here. May be violent.” It would convey the same information and be much less garishly ugly.

Now that is disturbing.

Yes, it’s been up for months and I’ve been feeling a little sorry for the guy, having LOSER flags all over his place…but I guess he’s not embarrassed. Not even with all the impeachment stuff going on. I’m wondering what is the end game for this dude.

Speaking of MAGA losers…

This is for the sister of my late uncle’s life partner, who is a Trump supporter and a moron. There is a Facebook post on her page announcing that the fact that someone was smoking marijuana during the Trump insurrection as proof positive that the terrorists were antifa in disguise. Because Republicans don’t smoke marijuana.

I want to post this - or something like it- on her page and I can’t, you’ll see why. It’s been burning a whole in my brain, so I will post it here.

Martha, you are a blithering idiot, and I’m sick of your stupid blatherings. I bet you don’t think a Republican can be gay either, amirite?
You don’t find it odd that your brother never married? Did he convince you he had so many women he couldn’t settle down with just one?

But it was nice that he had a good friend and roommate, since he never found the right woman. You’re older than me, so you may remember that Bob was Larry’s teacher at college back in 1970, and he dropped out, Bob resigned abruptly and there were scurrilous whispers abounding?

I guess those rumors bonded them and made them friends for life. Whenever Bob moved, Larry moved. Whenever Larry moved, so did Bob. You visited them so many times, did you ever find it a tad unusual that Bob always had a big bedroom with a big king bed, while Larry always had a really little bedroom with a big desk, computer, a lot of file cabinets and a tiny daybed in the corner?

Even though I’ve always known that you were possibly the dumbest person to ever live, I about died laughing when Larry called me and told me that you must never know that he and Bob were more than friends. He was really scared he’d disillusion you about Republicans, I guess.

But at the time he made that call he had lived with Bob for forty-five years and they had moved nine times…together.

Yes, you dumbass cow brain——- Republicans smoke pot. Also, your Republican brother is gay. Really really gay. Totally and completely gay. There is not a heterosexual bone in his body. Wake the fuck up already.

Take ‘dumbass’ and ‘the fuck’ out of it, and post away. You may have a soft spot for your late uncle’s life partner, and it is rude to out people who don’t want to be outed, but such a rant deserves to be read by the person it is aimed at.

I’m sorry. I hope you feel better soon. I hated every fucking moment of pregnancy and I’m not doing it again.

I’m inclined to agree with @Folacin. Edit it if you must (though it’s beautiful the way it is!) and then let her have it. People who live in abject ignorance are not doing themselves or anyone around them any favors.

Then don’t wait. Hit them with the spamhammer NOW.

Republicans DO smoke marijuana, by the way. But those ones call themselves libertarians.

No, please do not out someone without their consent! That’s not just “rude,” it’s potentially damaging and a betrayal. I understand your uncle has passed, but presumably his partner is still alive?

The Continuing Saga of Samantha Cat’s GI Troubles continues to continue. Her recurring runs recurred earlier this week so I redoubled my pestering of the vet and they finally got her ultrasound results from late December to me. (Turns out they had my email all kinds of misspelled.) The good news is that she didn’t have any signs of IBS, other than an enlarged lymph node. The bad news is we have no idea what the heck is causing her tummy troubles. The closest anyone can figure out is that she might have a sensitivity to one of the ingredients in her food or treats.

She gets the really good cat food that’s mostly small prey (according to the package) so I’m guessing it was the Temptations treats. I’ve given Them Downstairs the remaining bag of Temptations and I’m off to find some really good treats to match her low-additive food. Hopefully that will solve the problem.

The bad news is she’s on another round of antibiotics and drooling all over the carpet. I’m going to have to haul the shampooer upstairs when she’s finished the bottle.

Temptations is kitty crack, but it’s ingredients aren’t the best and don’t mix with IBD.

My Shiva was diagnosed with IBD 4 or 5 years back and up until 2 years ago I kept him healthy by feeding him only a Limited Ingredient diet. He’s since developed hyperthyroidism which seems to have exacerbated the IBD, so now he’s on the Science Diet Biome and while he still blups from time to time, it seems to be correlated with him sneaking food out of Shiva’s bowl. (Automatic, RFID-triggered feeders, but the loop is big enough that he’s figured out he can shove himself in beside Eddy and eat at the same time. The wonderment is that Eddy doesn’t beat the crap out of him.)

He’s turning 17 in a day or two. Cats are tough, and I hope your Samantha turns out to be as tough as my Eddy.

Enough with the snow. When the snow piles up to the roof gutter line, isn’t that enough? Now Wait for the big melt!