The SlackerInc (and anyone else) circumcision hijack-prevention thread

That might be the case. But I wonder whether that’s most of the explanation. I assert 2 causes.

  1. See this rant, quoted for hilarity:
  1. But I say it relates the the universal male aversion to being kicked in the nuts. Some dudes overgeneralize and instinctively react to male infant genital snipping with hysteria and horror. Admittedly I’d be on stronger ground if dudes didn’t do this sort of jabbering all the time. I still contend that testicularimpactphobia plays a role.

2b. Obligatory quote: Every guy alive has (probably) experienced an unpleasant and painful blow to the balls. And it hurts for a reason. “Evolutionarily, it makes sense,” says Dr. Kramer. “Your body is made to reproduce. It protects itself from trauma to your genitals for survival of the species. So the testicles are privileged in that they have extra-sensory attachments to them that give you a lot of sensation when the testicles are ‘attacked,’ to protect your reproductive potential.” Your Balls Are Stronger Than You Think So that’s it folks. Once again we have yet another example of testicular privilege.

ETA: Thanks for the links Kimstu!