The ongoing problem with misogyny on the SDMB

You know what the world needs? More men deciding what is and isn’t misogyny. I mean, it’s not like we’ve EVER been allowed to define it ourselves–no, it’s not canon until Some Guy declares it is.

Babale has already banged it square on the bean because it is actually functionally impossible to have ANY discussion of ANY topic that focuses on how that topic affects women without the fucking Kool-Aid pitcher busting through the wall squealing, “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MENZ!!!1!ELEVENTY!!” And it’s not just here, it’s EVERYWHERE. They simply cannot help themselves. Online, IRL, doesn’t matter–men generally simply MUST have their say about absolutely every topic and must obligatorily shift focus to how it affects them. This is a function of privilege, which dictates that the group of perceived higher status must be taken into account at all times, their preferences catered to and their noxious opinions heard no matter how tangential or irrelevant they might be to the subject at hand.

Now let’s see how long it takes for some indignant man to declare “BUT NOT ALL MEN!!!” because that’s a part of it–women or other marginalized groups are not allowed to make any sort of blanket statement regarding the behavior of men in general without also petting down their hurt feewings by assuring them that OF COURSE you don’t mean THEM–just all the OTHER men who insist on being treated as special in every space.

flips double bird