The soccer mom from hell...

I was nearly involved in an accident this morning, twice at the hands of the same soccer mom.

I’m driving along on 1187, the rural highway that leads from my home to I-20. The speed limit is 55, and due to the exxagerated amount of police on the road, I was running with cruise control on to stay at that. Out of a side road about 15 yards ahead of me a brat-packed SUV comes tearing out in front of me driven by a woman that can barely see over the wheel.

I slammed on my brakes and swerved to the right lane to avoid nailing her and ended up almost next to her just long enough to see her glare at me and greet me with her middle finger…

Now at that I’m dumbfounded, she almost causes an accident, and because I would dare drive on what is apparently her road she has the audacity to insult me as well?

So we go on…I’m backed off from this woman who is barely driving 30 and remember, the limit is 55 and shes swerving everywhere…I guess fuqing with the kids or whatever soccer moms do. So I get the guts to pass her, thats allowed on this road, and after I check the lane…I move to the left and beging to accelerate up to 55…so does SoMom!! She stays right with me, and as we get near a hill I see a car so I move back behind her and she immediately slows back down to 30…wtf?!? So I stay behind her for another mile or two, and then try to pass again…same thing…she even looks over at me with this maniacal grin on her face and then starts to almost swerve into my lane. So I slam the breaks and barely make it back into the lane behind her before an 18-wheeler fly’s by me.

Long story short…the bitch stopped at a convenience store and I was very tempted to stop and give her a piece of my mind…although with this nut, visions of chrome plated pistols pointed at my direction flashed and I thought better of it fearing that Soccer Mom was just fed up and trying to make the evening news, and I didn’t want to be the victim that got her the feature story…

Anyway, revelations of my morning drive to the office, and reasons I’d like to smack the shit out of that lady should be obvious…


What a bitch. Some people are just nutcases in general, and shouldn’t be given licenses to drive. Down here in sunny Fla, we’ve got elderly people who shouldn’t be driving that can get their licenses renewed with no problems because there are so many of them in the state that no legislation on age based renewal requirements can be passed because it gets voted down or the representatives won’t pass it so they can stay in office next term. It’s ridiculous how stupid this is.

is that a guy thing? wanting to stop and confront her? I mean reallY? even if she isnt’ packing a pistol, what do you really imagine the conversation to go like? “you almost cut me off, nearly ran me off the road, flipped me the bird, drove too slow, wouldn’t let me pass and it made me angry” (reply) “oh gosh, I’m truly very sorry, please forgive my abject stupidity, and I promise not to do it in the future” never will happen. there are morons out there, always will be. you’ve now made this incident a bigger one by re-living it. you want to hear that YOU were the good driver and SHE was the bad one? ok, great, you got it. Get over it, you lived through a bad driver episode without damage to your vehicle (there have been times that I haven’t - and the fact that I was in the right did in NO way diminish the problems and traumas that I faced having my car totaled…) Go and live peacefully…, driving sanely…

I don’t think it’s just a guy thing to want to stop and confront her (OK, I am a guy, but don’t read too much into that.) I would stop, not with the goal of ripping into her, but with the goal of trying to figure out how a person could drive so idiotically and dangerously, not just towards me, but also with her kids in the car. Frankly, I’d be a little curious about what makes her tick. And, regardless of what goes on in the confrontation, she will still be a bad driver and I wouldn’t want to be a jerk.

We never have, nor will we ever read too much into that.

Did she have a cell phone plastered to her head? Most of the women I see driving the big SUV’s packed full of kids are also talking on their cell phone and not paying attention to the damn road. :mad:

It wouldn’t have been some egotripping chew the lady out nonsense, just a question as to what the deal was. Hell, I’d have loved to have gotten out, walked in the store, bought a pack of Midol and tossed it to her as I drove off…

Just the satisfaction in that would have been enough for me…


I went to school in Mansfield, so I knew a lot of kids in Rendon. I’m not sure if that’s the area of 1187 you were on, but I knew a girl who’s little sister would be about 8 now. Her mom drove like that. She thought everybody else was a horrible driver, and whenever anybody would piss her off, she would screw with them. I’m not saying this is the same woman(although it very well could be), but if it was, and you had gotten in front of her, she would have tailgated you until her exit. She also thought all cops hated her. She had had a bunch of wrecks, and the police always ended up writing her a ticket. But, according to her, it was always some other moron’s fault. This was also a woman who scared most of the Dad’s on her daughter’s highschool basketball team. She was a total bitch(the mom, not the daughter) and is not somebody I would risk an argument with. The bitch was certifiable, but I think her husband was too scared to say anything.

Sorry, but I couldn’t help but to think about this lady as a read through your post.

I’m a fan of whipping out my cell and calling the cops while I have someone’s car in view. Let them deal with the crack pot.

I live in Rendon near 1187 and J. Rendon Road.

So it very well could have been the same woman.


I remember Rendon well. Going by “The Pit Stop” on 1187 because they were the only ones who would sell alcohol and cigarettes to 15 and 16 year old kids. Oh, the memories. They were shut down, by the way.

Around here you can supposedly call in whenever you see someone driving “aggressively” (and I’d call flipping you the bird and then altering her speed by 20 MPH to irritate you aggressive). They get a nastygram from the police, or some other sort of authority. Obviously nothing comes of it fro a legal standpoint, but it’s a nice way of letting someone know their shitty driving isn’t going unnoticed.

What’s really irritating to think about are the lessons in “courtesy” those little passengers are getting.

I am probably one of the few people in the world who admit to supporting retributional road rage. I don’t think it should be “targeted by the police”, I think it should be a very likely possibility. Its kind of like hockey, and enforcers. The number of violent and cheap hits are going up more and more as fighting is being discouraged. Now goons can take out the good players with less fear of retribution cause of the stupid new penalties like instigation. But in the olden days when they knew some mountain of muscle was going to knock them through the ice for their cheap shot, they had a lot more respect for each other.

I feel the same way about driving. Idiots know they can do any damn thing they want cause only one out of a thousand times is there a cop around to see it. However if cutting someone off meant there was a real possibility that someone was going to follow your ass all the way home and beat the shit of your car and you, then you are going to be one hell of a curtious driver. People don’t follow the rules out of respect, they follow them out of fear, and there just isn’t enough reason for these stupid idiots to fear when they drive like a moron.

Now personally I don’t do this cause my insurance rates are high enough, and i’m not to fond of jail, but nothing made me happier then one time this idiot in his SUV kept cutting people off and making people slam on their brakes. A couple of 18 wheelers boxed him in and forced him off the road, and I’m assuming gave him a little lecture about driving courtesy.

P.S. I realize that vigilantyism can be very bad, but when used with moderation, I believe it truly would make the road safer.