I left the football game watching party because everyone is all bummed out now.
Sure, I would’ve liked to have seen Momma’s school win another National Championship. I’m not immune to the local TV/radio hype, even tho I’m a Buff myself.
With the super screwed up BCS shit, though, OU may yet be in the Sugar Bowl. But, they don’t deserve it. Let’s face it, in college football, if you’re #1 and you lose a big game late in the season, you don’t get to play for #1 (usually). I’m not saying it’s right, it just is.
My biggest beef is this:
I gotta work with all these people who think that what OU football does is a personal statement about them! It’s just a game, guys. But, JEEBUS, OU?!?! Why didn’t ya win?
Sorry 'bout the loss, NoClueBoy. Though many of us in Lion Country have still never gotten over '85.
In the midst of all the “Oh no! Now what’s going to happen?” frenzied worrying by commentators on ABC, CBS, and ESPN, one good point was raised. It may be possible for USC to finish #1 in both polls and still not make the Sugar Bowl. If that happens, you’ll probably see the BCS disappear faster than Jason White’s Heisman hopes.
And on the other hand, let me be the first to call for a Texas-OU bowl game. Late-Season Losers vs. Early-Season Underachievers in the Cotton Bowl, baby!
God I hate the BCS, I sort of hope something tragic (Like USC winning both polls and not going to the game) happens this year and we can get rid of the whole thing and go back to the regular bowl system, which wasn’t perfect but was a hell of a lot more fun.
Bum out an entire state? Try at least one and a half, possibly two.
OU losing means Texas is out of a BCS game. Sometimes I think OU did it on purpose, so deep does the rivalry run. Just think, they fucked Texas by beating the shit out of them once. Now they fucked 'em again by losing. So half of Texas is bummed. The worst part about this whole BCS shit is that it makes Texas fans root for OU so that Texas can go to a better bowl. It is a sad world when that comes to pass.
And OU probably won’t even pay any consequences. If they don’t, and end up in the Sugar Bowl, then they have fucked half of Louisiana or California as well. LSU or USC will be out (and USC will probably be ranked 1 in the polls and 3 in the BCS).
Maybe they did it on purpose. It is the one thing that could have happened that screwed everything up royally. This is worse than when Nebraska played for a national championship without winning the Big 12. At least that time, Texas had its destiny in its own hands (even though they blew it by losing to Colorado…)
Sadly, even the prospect of USC being voted No. 1 and not playing in the Sugar Bowl won’t kill the BCS. Every time a flaw like this is exposed, the BCS just adds something else to the mix to spackle over it. Should this occur, next year you will see a “If you’re voted No. 1 in the polls then you get to play for the national title” component, and they’ll declare the BCS fixed until the NEXT unforeseen flaw pops up.
I think this is a HOOT! The sportscasters are wigged out because they can’t use their vast intellegence to tell us what’s going to happen.
BCS: No matter how it winds up, two of the best three teams will play each other for the championship. Prior to the BCS, USC would have been in the Rose Bowl, Oklahoma in the Orange and LSU in the Sugar. Then everybody would have been playing guessing games when the bowls were over.
Short of a playoff, the BCS has been an improvement over no system at all. *Go ahead and flame, it’s cold here today anyway.
A sixty-four team playoff in basketball hasn’t stopped the whining from those teams not invited to the tournament. If a four or eight team playoff is set up for football, the so called Bubble Teams will still whine as much as the third team does this year.
USC is the team that impressed me the most this season, so I do hope they’re in the Big Game.
Fuck that. The next-best-thing to me than Texas winning is OU losing, and let the bowl chips fall where they may. Root for OU? I’d rather chop my balls off with a dull, rusty meat cleaver.
Strangely enough, in the latest proposed “fix” for the BCS, you’ll be able to do just that. If 2 teams are on the bubble of playing for the national championship, the team with the most fans that cut off their balls with rusty meat cleavers gets the bid. Go for it, Dewey!
USC vs. Michigan in the Rose Bowl. My New Years’ is made. Woohoo! And I can enjoy the ruckus over the BCS. Double woohoo!
I still think my idea of an eight team playoff is the way to go. It keeps the Bowls (which I love and will never accept losing them) and a playoff system. On New Years’ Day we have four games - the Rose, the Orange, the Fiesta (I’d prefer the Cotton, but for some reason the Fiesta is a BCS bowl) and the Sugar. Rankings only determine 3 of the 8 slots, the rest are the major conference champions. Big-10 vs. Pac-10 in the Rose, Big 12 in the Fiesta, SEC in the Sugar and ACC in the Orange. The other three would be at-large bids from the top teams that didn’t win a conference. Or we could throw a bone to the MAC or something and include them, I dunno.
Anyway, it would give us these matchups this year (using the last BCS rankings):
Rose - Michigan vs. USC
Orange - Florida St. vs. Texas
Fiesta - Kansas St. vs. Ohio State
Sugar - LSU vs. Oklahoma
Have those 8 teams fight it out. How could anyone object? Or if you need to, throw Miami (OH) in there instead of Texas or OSU or if the Big East needs a rep (which they won’t in two years) throw them in there instead of Texas or OSU.
I like my system. The rest of the games proceed at the higher ranked teams’ home site. Everyone wins. The Bowls are preserved, the alumni can still plan out their winter vacations, more money for schools (!!!) and we get a playoff.