The speed of gravity revisited

In Cronos’ report [URL=“”]
he states that in ten years we might have an answer to LISA’s gravity quest.
“LISA is almost guaranteed to have unambiguous observations within a few seconds of it being turned on, but that’s about a decade in the future.” (Post written in 2003, see bottom of the page)
So… It’s been ten years. Has LISA been turned on? What are the observations?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Wow, was that that long ago?

And while LISA is currently dead (there are attempts to revive it, or something very similar, with a new name, but don’t hold your breath), the LIGO project is still progressing very close to on schedule (eerily so, in fact: It’s almost unheard of for big research projects like that to go according to plan). So, keep watching this space.