The State on MTV now available at the iTunes Music Store!

The first season of The State has just become available at the iTunes Music Store.

Unfortunately, it seems that an actual DVD release may be somehow contingent on sales of these downloads, which strikes me as odd (If enough of us buy these low-resolution versions of the show, we might get an opportunity to buy the high-resolution versions?–not the best business model out there).

But you take what you can get–at least it’s out there officially now, and I don’t mind buying from iTunes. I find the video quality to be surprisingly watchable.

I’m ooouta heeeeeeere . . .

Yeah, my roommate (SDMBer whatmove) just bought that last week. We’ve been watching them for the past few days.

I haven’t seen any of 'em since became no more.

'Call me old fashioned, but I believe there is one true god…

and he lives in this lake…

and his name is Zorgo.’


I’m so pissed off at them. I remember hearing one of them in interview saying it would be either itunes or a dvd release. I don’t like itunes and was hoping not to have any reason to use it, dammit. I don’t want to have to pay out twice (as I inescapably will if it rereleases on dvd); I don’t have any illusions about them getting all the money.

It was a very cute commercial-thing they made to announce the release, though.

The State was my THING back when it aired.

Can I still dip my balls in it?

Dammit, I have DIAL-UP at home and there is no way I would be able to get them from iTunes.

I would have upgraded to DSL, but I spent $240 on puddin’.

I want the DVDs!

Yeah, not to be all “I’m outta here!” about it, but fuck some Itunes downloads. Give me a real DVD that I can purchase and watch on my real TV, period.

I’m outta…heeeere…

Hey, iTunes may not be the ideal release, but it could be worse. I mean, it’s not like they’re going to kill the presiden-carried away by secret service men

Bah… give me a DVD, and then I’ll buy it.

buying TV on itunes is unnatural… like penguins.