The Straight Dope Ongoing Self-Improvement Thread

Just breathe! You worked hard for this! Remember? You were a perfect candidate! And you were sick of being stuck, sought this out to help with that. Don’t give up now!

Just breathe. Deep cleansing breaths! You can do this, truly.

Breathing breathing

All the best of luck to you at rehab! Please feel free to lean on us for support anytime.

Hi folks. I have been a wee bit busy here in the sub acute unit so not much chance for an update. I did manage to successfully breathe my way in here :slight_smile: and am even starting to feel comfortable. This place is awesome - we are treated like adults rather than patients or children. The knowledge that I can walk in and out of the building whenever and for every reason adds a really important level of freedom and normal. Things are a bit full on which is taking some adjustment on my part and the med adjustments are taking their toll. Hope you guys are all doing well in SDMB land I will try to pop in with another update in the near future.

Good that you are adjusting, madrabbitwoman! Just want you to know that I’m thinking of you a lot and wishing you the best. Thank you for the update.

Hi I’m home!