The stupidest movie of the last 20 years? (AKA Screw You, Filmmakers)

Oh my effin’ God.

Random thoughts while watching the trailer:

Hey!! It’s the “Jump to Conclusions” guy from Office Space!

Is this an SNL spoof starring Will Ferrell?

I wonder how Barney Miller’s great-grandfather would feel about his offspring becoming a police captain?

And you wanna talk about worst movie to see on an airplane? Driven. First time I ever gave my away my $5 headphones.

I cannot begin to describe how disappointed I am in Hal Linden.

I wanna do a sequel: The hero, horrified by all the Godless immorality (miniskirts and music videos and R-rated movies, oh my!), dutifully returns to the Victorian Era from our 20th Century and abandons agnosticism and Darwin for God and the Bible. Then, he time travels again, and finds that in the NEW 20th Century he’s just created, the world is run by a totalitarian theocratic police state where all dissenters are publicly stoned to death and people are encouraged to become informers for the theological secret police and turn in their own family members for “idolatry”.

…and then he’d say, “Ah, that’s better.” Right?


<sigh> I really want to see this now, but it’s not in any theaters near my, and with my luck, before it comes to any theaters near me, Gavin McLeod (I think of him as Murray) will send somebody into the future to keep the movie from being made.

So, wait, the world’s the way it is because he published the book? And, since apparently, the world is, in actuality, like it is, he must have been able to publish the book.

Oh my God, it’s even worse that we thought. Take a look at the “problem” with the main character’s book.

From the only good review on

[The film opens as Russell, played by D. David Morin (“Mercy Streets”), argues with a seminary council rival, Norris (Gavin MacLeod), about a seemingly insignificant detail in a novel he’s working on.

A boy in Russell’s story is caught stealing, and is told that he is wrong. Norris refuses to let the book go to press unless the boy is told that stealing is wrong because Jesus said so. Morals without authority, Norris says, are just speculation.

Of course, the characters in this film are not at all concerned with the moral authority of, say, Mohammed or the Buddha, but whatever. This is a Christian movie in its own Christian world.]

They’re in their own world all right.

Or even the moral authority divined from deep within oneself, you know… knowing right from wrong.

This is one of those movies I will pay to see for the unintentional comedy factor… much like “Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course”.

I’d like to see Mr. Cranky review this “movie”. Hhehee

From that same review:

If anybody actually goes to watch this thing, could they pretty please report back on what this scene is? (funniest of the year??)

It’s going to be a sight gag, shit-for-brains.

ok, Now thats a little uncalled for.

Or was it?

Anyone who has seen a movie, or perhaps a television program will be familiar with the sight/sound medium. Actors are used to communicate a variety of, uh, stuff. Anyway, the trained actor uses his body as the prop, and his face and voice are the most valuable methods of conveying emotion. The reaction is going to involve some wacky facial expressions and perhaps some amusing vocal inflection. It’s hard to imagine anything else. Now, describing something like that to adequately re-create the visual/aural experience is a near impossibility. I’ll give it a go here, and you see how dry it is.

Russell: switches on TV

Cut to: TV screen, where naked women cavort and caper in merriment and an orgy of whimsical joy.

Russell: eyes bug out, starts to gasp In the name of the blessed Lamb, EGAD!

Another, simpler, way of looking at it is to realise almost all Jim Carrey movies would look retarded in script format (thin on plot, to be sure), but his acting ability makes a lot of things funny.
I suppose the shit-for-brains part was unnecessary though.

Jim Carrey is funny?

Listen, mate, when you’re my age and my shape, you take whateve you can get.

Though I’m worried about the holes in Emmental getting smaller.

And then these dragons, who’ve been asleep for 65 million years, wake up and start turning everything to ash…

I’m going to wait until I get home to watch the trailer, but the ad for the novelization tells more than it intends:

Heh, “easy-to-read” --I think we can tell the educational level of the film’s intended audience. And why doesn’t God use copy editors? Apparently, a basic grasp of English syntax is not one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


Hal Linden? What about Paul Rodriguez?

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Wow, Sherlock, ya think? I’m asking to find out what exactly the gag is, which would be so hilarious as to be deemed one of the funniest of the year.

Now how about you go stick your fingers back in your asshole instead of tapping them on your keyboard. God knows something more worthwhile might come from them being there instead.

Yeah, it was. Some of us have the ability to communicate via the written word. Your explanation is utter rubbish.