The Supreme Court has kicked off Civil War 2.0

The fascists are actually counting on this complacency, as long as most of white people only care about their own comfort, they can do what they want. It’s why the wife of a Supreme Court justice can actively participate in an attempted coup and openly sell access to her husband and no one cares. At this point America doesn’t deserve to survive.

Yes It’s bad that 1/6 happened. Very bad. But what is truly horrific is Republican response to it: downplaying it, dismissing it, and in not a few cases, outright endorsing it.

I think I know what’s going to happen:

  • First, the Republican party can never go back to being reasonable a la Rockefeller Republicans, etc., or maintaining a veneer of reasonableness. If it were split 50/50 between actual Conservatives and MAGAs, then maybe. But it ain’t. It’s 95% actual MAGAs and enablers at this point.

  • Ergo, we can never have a normal two-party system again until something replaces the Republican party.

  • MAGAs will never quit until they take autocratic power, as Hitler was finally able to do in 1933 (Hitler joined the Nazi party in 1919, so he was working on it for a while…). OR until the nation breaks up and they get to have their own autocracy. Two many people have tasted fascism and enjoyed the flavor. They will never stop, and they are feeling around for a better leader than Trump, and they will eventually find one.

  • The country will break up before the MAGAs take autocratic control.

What an odd thing to say.

Various peoples have survived all sorts of repression throughout history. Some really heinous.

I do not think anyone views those times as “ok” because some people survived it.

Premier Bill Davis of Ontario made the quintessential statement of Canadian politics: “Bland works.”


Things haven’t been “normal” since Trump became president. They haven’t been “normal” since the pandemic started. (For that matter, I don’t things have been “normal” since 9/11 and the economic crisis of 2007). What “normal” are you even referring to?

Nothing changes? Roe v. Wade just got overturned. That’s about as big a political change as possible in the US. Your perspective makes no sense and, frankly, seems willfully anti-sense.

Yeah, this makes no sense at all. It’s like saying black people “survived” for hundreds of years as slaves, gay people “survived” for millennia in the closet, etc. It’s ridiculous.

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But as you couldn’t refrain, I think this actually deserves a warning.
So consider this an official warning for threadshitting and next time you see an OP that you don’t like, just refrain from posting like this.

Please note this is somewhat compounded by it being the first post. Clearly others thought the OP worth responding to.

Also consider this a thread ban. Do not post in this thread again.

At least the Third Amendment holds strong. The Air Force would mutiny if they had to move into your $1.2K/mo. shoebox and out of their current set-ups.

The New England Independence Campaign (NEIC) is a group of individuals throughout New England who have come together to promote the idea of independence for our nation. We aim to achieve this peacefully, through education and the ballot box. Our members encompass a wide range of the political spectrum. We welcome all New Englanders to join our movement.

No. Try a hundred. And you might be surprised to learn who was pushing for making it illegal. Quote from wiki, added bolding mine.

In the United States, where physicians were the leading advocates of abortion criminalization laws, some of them argued that advances in medical knowledge showed that quickening was neither more nor less crucial in the process of gestation than any other step, and thus if one opposes abortion after quickening, one should oppose it before quickening as well.[71]

Practical reasons also influenced the medical field to impose anti-abortion laws. For one, abortion providers tended to be untrained and not members of medical societies. In an age where the leading doctors in the nation were attempting to standardize the medical profession, these “irregulars” were considered a nuisance to public health.[72] The “irregulars” were also disliked by the more formalized medical profession because they were competition, and often cheap competition.

It is my understanding that the state National Guard answers to the President to put down things like insurrections. It does not seem plausible that a rogue state could get very far in straight-up warfare against the National Guard and active United States forces.

Comparing AOC and Waters to MTG and Boebert is ludicrous. UHC and a wealth tax are not remotely comparable to QANON and Jewish space lasers.

You are correct. I am saying that the National Guard and/or the military would ultimately refuse to fight against fellow Americans (unlike the Russians killing their cultural cousins).

Yeah, I agree. Say what you will about AOC (and I am 95% positive), but she is at least sane.

And slavery/Jim Craw too!

What an absolutely disgusting and shameful take on this. Be happy that you have the privilege to be so dispassionate about this travesty.

Sane but clueless. The other 3 are just insane. The point however of those 4 as examples is that they are on the extreme ends of their party’s platform which as far as the House is concerned is not a bug but a feature - as long as there are only a few on each side.

The “alarmists” have been right and will continue to be proven correct. But there remains a huge apathetic bloc of eligible voters, which the GOP is absolutely counting on not to resist.

…AOC is not clueless. And Walters is neither clueless or insane.

I have no idea what you are talking about. Both are strong advocates for social justice: there should be more of them, not less.

AOC is pretty much right smack in the middle of the Democratic party – highly supportive of Biden on the vast majority of issues but also progressive priorities like UHC. Have you seen her statements in the last year or so? Waters is also right in the middle of the party, fiery (and occasionally unwise) as her statements can be. Furthermore, even the most “extreme” of progressives in the Democratic party don’t get anywhere close to Jewish space lasers, QANON, or the other wackjob bullshit pushed by MTG and Boebert.

If you really think these are similar, we live in entirely different factual universes. The facts of the two pairs of legislators are just massively different. Like comparing Lyndon Johnson to David Duke.

We need 250 more AOCs and Katie Porters. Smart women who want to move the country into the 21st century.