The too tough to die MMP

It’s late morning here and I’m trying to figure out how to get Mauser out to do his business. I had no idea it was supposed to snow last night, and there’s still some coming down. Maybe five inches? And being a dachshund that would mean his belly would be dragging in the snow. Not to be gross, but have you ever seen a dachshund taking care of business? He kind of has to bend in half, and at this point his butt is going to be in the snow. Our walks haven’t been cleared yet so I may go out and, near the door, use a broom to at least half clear a patch for him.

A MMPer cruise sounds like a great idea!

I had to scrape the snow off my truck for the first time all year. In the garage. Evidently the snow that was on the roof from yesterday slid down the windshield and froze solid over night.

I thought about that, but it’ll take ages to make so many tinytiny kilts…

The moss abatement people showed up unexpectedly yesterday, taking advantage of a clear day to get the roof taken care of. They also cleaned out the gutters. Another sunny day today, but rain moves in late tomorrow and we’re supposed to have a drizmal week. Gotta get the rest of the outside work done before it gets wet. Laid down some ant killer around the house. Yeah, I’m a bad person, but we’ve been overrun with sugar ants going after cat food and anything else they can get into, so. . .fuck 'em. Gave away a bunch of stuff yesterday and we’re going to drop off a tub full of VHS(!) tapes at Goodwill today. I’ve finally convinced my wife that anything on VHS is available online or on DVD, so off with your head Anne of Green Gables! We’ve been carting these things around for nearly 30 years FFS.

Wow, this thread does move fast. I think that’s why I stepped away for a while. I’ve read most and retained some. Sorry if I don’t properly respond to everyone. Kudos and/or hugs to all as appropriate.

Mrs. W and I have arrived in Las Vegas - well, Lake Las Vegas, on the outskirts of Henderson. We’re meeting with a developer today to discuss house options. Tomorrow is set aside for exploring the area’s shopping and amenities and such. Then maybe looking at some other communities depending on how today goes. It’s all pretty overwhelming, but exciting.

Woo-hoo! Excellent news!

shady your tooth sounds no bueno. It sounds like it doesn’t hurt, but is just annoying. I hope you get it fixed soon.

If I didn’t have kids, I wouldn’t know. I’ll amend that: if I didn’t have kids AND if my husband wasn’t still working.

I just started using mine. I’m in love. I highly recommend them.

Today is somewhat busy, at least for me. My daughter has a stop at the optometrist, and then the dogs have a vet appointment. I have a migraine and I feel awful. Alas, sometimes I can’t hide in my house.

Happy Thursday everyone.

Does anybody want some updog?

No thanks, I have enough updawg. Think I’d fall for that old chestnut???

It’s a lovely, sunny day here. I’m going to load up on painkillers, walk to pick up Rx’s, walk home, ice back, go to gym, ice back. The neurosurgeon thinks PT will take care of the back pain. I’d believe him if I didn’t know what joint pain feels like. I’ve figured out it’s the sacroiliac joint, which was not covered in the MRI. I think PT is a good idea; I just don’t think it’s going to take care of the pain in that spot. I’m back to pushing through the pain, same as I was before surgery, so of course I’m wondering why I even went that route. I want to get back to hiking mountains, dammit. My assessment appointment at PT is 3/22.

OK, rant over.

metalmouse, tell us more about this spot in your eye. It doesn’t feel like a foreign body is in your eye, right? And it’s not a floater? If it’s a black spot in your vision that doesn’t move around like a floater does and doesn’t hurt, get to your eye doc post haste so you can be checked for a tear in the retina.

sari, that’s some great advice wordy gave you. I’m sorry you’re going through so much.

Oh, the woes of being a dachshund. I never realized such a mundane task required such flexibility. Are they prone to back issues? What happens when they get older and less flexible? Or is that a TMI thing?

I can’t stop chuckling.

I think I have a box of that in my classic 1963 Henway.

I thought we’d have leftover Shake & Bake pork chops, mashed potatoes, and gravy for dinner last night. At the last minute, I decided tacos dorados would be better. I’d already planned for pesto salmon and yellow squash for dinner tonight. This morning I mixed up the butter and the pesto, and I’ve just bought the squash.

I’m thinking it’s about time for lunch. We had a potluck at the orifice a couple of weeks ago, and I brought cold-smoked salmon. People only ate less than half of it at the luncheon, and it was still in the fridge Tuesday, so I brought it home. It was still good Tuesday, so it’s still good today.

Toby finished his day in style. I had to wake him so I could change and feed him. He decided it was a good time to fill his britches again. So getting him and his stuff all cleaned up got us out of here late. But traffic wasn’t bad so his mama didn’t have to wait too long.

Once I got home, FCD and I cut the last of the dock lines. I’ve spliced 2 and there are 2 more to go. The remaining 2 lines won’t have eyes. Then we need to whip the ends.

Oh, the joys of boat ownership!!

Supper will be burgers sans buns plus crinkle fries. Chillage shall follow, with some yard work tomorrow.

nelliebly, dachshunds are prone to back issues. My previous dog, Nathan, I had to put down because he developed a spinal issue. It could have been operated on, but even that wasn’t sure to have cured the issue. I’ve had other pets put down but that was the hardest. He is the only pet I’ve had put in a pet cemetery. I can see him whenever I visit my human relatives.

nellie, you’re never too cranky for the MMP. Even if you were, you’d still be welcome. :slight_smile:

Yay nut!

Irked, came home, took Nelson to the dog park, then came home (again), et supper and napped. Such excitement! It’s supposed to snow and get nasty here this weekend. All this after a couple of days that nearly hit 80F last week. Oy!

I really need to grocery shop this week, since I didn’t last (to be fair, there wasn’t much appetite). Now, I’m running low on tea bags, need milk for getting back to coffee and about half a dozen other things above and beyond the usual groceries.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

nuts conga rats on a thing! All appropriate/inappropriate appendages are uncrossed until you or any other mumper or mumpers need them crossed again.

Butters glad the unpackin’ is movin’ along and that your foot is 95 percent healed. Nice of your neighbor to come over to say howdy. Shall we name her Gladys Kravitz?

shades hope the tooth sitch is better today.

talky knowin’ you have an abundance of clean pj pants is a good thing. I love my pj pants and shorts.

MOOOOOOM you forgot the sagest advice of all, “Don’t take anyone out you would not want to bring back.” :innocent:

it just fell out there’s yet another half-empty space now to match the others but im told no the tooth fairy wont take it …It was way smaller than it felt like tho

lol did I just invent fairy chat cruises? (tag line “they’re nice dammit!”) as long as it’s not a 3-hour tour tho lol …

Evening all. Nearly got 10 miles in 45 minutes on the stationary pedal thing at the gym, made it in 45:17. Will try again Sunday. Apparently at least once a week my body makes me sleep in the afternoon, about 2.5 hours today, but got up in enough time to go help with the start of outdoor soccer (assisted with the 5U; FCM, you think keeping up with one 2/3 year old is tough, try 30 or so 4 year olds on an open field).

Still , did get some exercise after sleeping, which I presume is a good thing. We’ll see about tomorrow, supposed to be nice (67F), but rain is due overnight Fri/Sat and the temperature is heading way down, so any activity will be indoors.

nellie, it’s a floater (it moves around when I look around or move my head), so I don’t think it a retina tear. Isn’t really bothering me, just something noticeable. My last eye Doctor visit was August of 2020, so I guess I’m due for a checkup. And hope the assessment folks listen to you instead of already reaching their conclusions.

Hope the head is doing better, Sunny

Wheelie, good luck on the house-hunting. It too me several days and about 20 houses before I found the one…and I’m still here nearly 25 years later.

Cookie, got rid of all my VHS tapes several years ago, along with the VHS players. But I had a bunch of them for many years, hardly ever using them. Took renovating the house to finally get my rear end in motion.

Cupcakes, we had a dachshund when I was a kid, when we got a lot of snow in N. Ohio, brother or I had to go out and dig a couple of paths so the dog could go out and do her business.

Glad the foot is healing up, Butters. And Olive Garden is on my Sunday Dine Out list, as is Cracker Barrel (I think they do breakfast better than dinner, but it’s good, filling food cheap either way).

Shoe, I just googled “InCrPoo” and the first hit was last’s week MMP thread…

OK, need to get some internettin’ and readin’ done before bedtime. We’ll see if chasing some 5 year olds for an hour will let me get to sleep at a decent hour tonight.

It turned into a longish day. Akiko and Yoshi had their vet visits. Yoshi shook and panted on the way there, recognized where he was, and then wagged his whole body until he got inside. He loves the vet. Then a GSD went after him in the lobby. Akiko, on the other hand, was a little angel in the car, and ended up growling at the vet. :woman_facepalming:t3: The vet pointed out that Akiko was in pain and stressed, and she wasn’t to blame. Anyhoo, my little growling angel has at least a bacterial infection in her nose, and they shaved a bunch o’ bits off to check for other nasty things. We’re waiting to hear back from the lab as to where to go from here. I suspect more medications will be forthcoming.

We ran some other errands and then headed home. I am beat. 'Beamer made his own tacos for dinner, 'Beamette made some pasta, hubby and I may or may not eat. Thursday is winding down.

Sunny_Daze, I hope Akiko turns out to be okay. Maybe all she needs is a coursr of meds, like Mauser is getting. Poor baby let us know how things go for her.

So I walked to the pharmacy, then walked to the hardware store, then to the gym, then home. I figure about 6 miles, counting the treadmill, which I set to the 12 incline. Yes, the back hurt. Too bad. The rest of me was happy. I decided to climb an embankment as a shortcut to the hardware store but didn’t look where I was going and tripped on a tree root. Just a few bruises, but a good reminder.

Tomorrow I’m going to start refinishing a little plant table I found at the dumpster awhile back. I fixed its wobbles. Now it just needs a little sanding, some stain, and a bit of tung oil. I love refinishing furniture.

shady, glad the tooth isn’t dangling any more, but sorry you lost it.

sunny, hope Akito is OK. That sounds like a rough vet visit.

MetalMouse, glad it’s just a floater, even though those suckers can be irritating.

Cupcakes, Nathan must have been quite a dog. I’m glad you can go spend time with him whenever you want.

OK, maybe instead of a cruise, we should have a giant pajama party. :slight_smile: