The too tough to die MMP

Up at 5 so FCD could get to his MRI appointment on time, tho I think he went too early. Anyway, he’s long gone. I’m waiting to hear from my daughter to come fetch the babby. It’s just barely above freezing with sun promised - we shall see.

While we were without intrarwebz last night, I spliced 3 dock lines. We need to cut the remaining line into 6 lengths so I can splice them. Then we just have to melt and whip the ends so the lines don’t fray, and we’ll be all ready. Yachty as hell! :wink:

No real plans for the day - just the usual miscellany. Hope Toby is as cheery and sleepy as he was yesterday. I’m such a bad grandmother. :rofl:

Happy Thursday!

oooh i love boats …well have to have a doper get together/small cruise and could drown a few worms lol

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 55 Amurrkin out and rainy with a predicted high of 75 and rainy for the day. Don’t think we’re in for a deluge but just a slow steady rain. A good day to be inside and dry. Sloth shall rule the day because why not. Sup shall be baked chikin boobs with side matter TBD.

shades I do my fishin’ at the Pubic Sto’.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Thursday Y’all!

I wouldn’t mind a Mumpers git together on FCM’s boat……

The weather forecasters were predicting up to six inches of snow overnight. The city had trucks out to pre-treat the streets. We had a light frost.

I wouldn’t mind it either - if anyone wants to show up, we’re up for it. Well, after April anyway… I’m not sure how many we can safely carry - at least 8 besides us I expect. Gotta count our life jackets. :wink:

The Tobester slurped down 6oz, played a little bit, got a dry diaper, and crashed when I put him in his swing so I could empty the dishwasher. This will likely be a short nap, with the longer one (I hope) later on.

FCD should be on his way home, if I’m to judge by the charges that just went on VISA. I’m guessing we haven’t met our deductible yet, since the charges were so high. Dammit. Still cheaper than adding Medicare PartB tho. So far.

Afternoon all!

Anyone who’s had their cramped fingers crossed for the last month for my mental breakdown PhD application can try to uncross them now; funding hath been confirmed! I’m gonna be moving to Scotland once this course finishes to study a thing that’s not quite a fungus but frequently gets called one.

Congrats on the impending freedom Peedin, and I might still have some contacts in the security industry if you’re looking for a job Unknown :wink:

Assorted hugs, yays, boos and trouts to everyone else. My brain is not in retention mode.

Morning all. Awaiting the arrival of the HVAC maintenance person, it is supposed to be sometime before noon, so we’ll see. Then weights and pedaling. Rain has departed and temperatures are supposed to get to 65F today, but we’ll see a big drop Firday night (and more rain) and the high Saturday is predicted to be 32F.

Congratulations Nut, enjoy the move up North. One of the big cities or you heading out to the Highlands?

You’re going to need a bigger boat…

Hippie, and tomorrow the snow will show up. Mother Nature does do that a lot.

You sure you meant to have an ‘i’ instead of a ‘u’ there?

VanGo, I like doggio’s suggestions in response to the designers, but you do want to stay in business I presume so you can’t say that–at least right up until you’re ready to retire…

shady, ouchie on the tooth, has it departed the gum line yet? Probably need to see the dentist about it.

OK, need to stir up a glass of Instant Breakfast. All y’all take care.


Howdy. Read most. Will finish later. Since I retired I have a hard time knowing what day it is. I came to post “early” in the week to discover it’s Thursday.

Good on you Jane with the cane.

Yoshi smiling in the cone is too cute.

Hello to everyone else. Life goes on. I am still unpacking boxes. I have new porch furniture that needs putting together. The floors are dirty and I am going out later to WallyWorld. It’s only about a 10 minute drive. My foot is 95% healed but I still wear the boot especially if leaving the house which I don’t often do.

I met my across the street neighbor yesterday when she rang the doorbell (my first ever doorbell) to see if I needed help to get the newly delivered porch furniture into the garage. I told her my son would put it in. She said the Home Depot ppl must have brought my trash bin up from the road. I told her nope, I had cripped out to do it. She seemed nice enough if not a bit nosy. Neighborhood is nice and well kept. All the houses are way nicer than mine which may be a good thing.

Kids took me out the other night to Olive Garden. I love OG. I also had Chic Filet since I’ve been here. Next up shall be Cracker Barrel. I had none of these options in the Keys. In fact there was no fast food at all within 25-30 miles of my old house.

My cat is still in solitary confinement in a spare room. She visits the master bedroom every night. I shall try to introduce her to the porch again. Since I got her a huge cat tree she seems perfectly happy to just look out the window. Probably plotting her getaway. I really hope she will stick around when I do eventually give her freedom back.

Ok vacuum is not going to run itself. Maybe I should get a Roomba.

Door’s open for the cats, imma get outta bed in a sec here & slap on some fluttery eyelashes (it’s the penultimate day for InCrPoo and a gold star sticker for anyone who knows that word without havin’ to Google it) gotta look all cute and shit.

Jeebus, reading this made my mouth hurt.

… is precisely how I would handle the situation.

Congratulations, nutty! That’s absolutely, positively wonderful!

Today is…questionable. I’m finishing up pay discussions with people, which is either a really fun or not so fun topic. I’ve got one fun one and one not so fun one, then I’m done for the year.

I was thinking about the, uh, mixology? being discussed upthread and I’ve always wanted to try absinthe, though it seems a bad idea. But anything that requires extra, fancy equipment but doesn’t mean I have to get out my sweatpants is fine in my book.

It’s supposed to snow tomorrow, so it’s 50/50 that the kids will be home doing virtual classwork. Overlyboy will hopefully just squeak in his orthodontist appointment tonight and if I’m lucky, I can still get my hairs cut - all them.

I’m seriously a very, very boring individual. The absolute best part of my week so far was this morning when I discovered to my joy of joys that I have a pile of extra pajama pants still in my drawer and they’re my favorite ones, so I don’t have to wash any. It’s the little things.

We got about an inch here, but its pretty cold. I’m about 45 miles due west of hippy.

Happy Thorsday!

Was 29 degrees at the park this morning, but with no wind and a bright sun, it was pretty comfortable.
My son had to open our gate for me, as it was frozen shut. Then he cleaned the frost off my windows for me.
I had taken the ice scraper in the house, thinking I wouldn’t need it anymore.
Jokes on me, we are supposed to snow this weekend.
I’m thrilled.

My mother goes to the doctor today, so we’ll find out if she has cancer. Her doctor is pretty sure it is and has been pushing her to get chemo. She says she is not going to get chemo.
She’s only 86, which is young for her family, but she says she has already lived her life, has done everything she wants to do, and if it’s her time, it’s her time.
I’m good with whatever she decides, but I have a feeling her other daughter and my nieces are going to fight her on that.
Niece2 is trying to get me to make amends with her mother. She says her mother was very upset and worried about my son and me while we were so sick. I don’t know, but I think it will not happen.

My son was offered another four weeks of layoff. He of course would like to take it, but his unemployment is still messed up. Now he can’t even recertify his weeks. He was supposed to let his boss know last night, but HR suggested he wait a week and see if his unemployment gets straightened out.
I doubt it will. People wait months for unemployment to get their crap together. One of my friends waited so long that when she finally got her check, it was for over $10,000. And that was after the supplemental $600/week was cut off.
Pisses me off when I think of the people who committed unemployment fraud, although some of them have already been caught, and I suspect the rest will too. I would have happily turned them all in

My neighbor’s house is still being cleaned out. I don’t know what all they are doing over there, but more than a few bangs and booms. Once time the house shook a little. Also, something they did that caused a boom, and we could smell a horrible odor. Not like something died, but pretty bad, and it lasted for a couple of hours. I suppose that as furniture and boxes are moved, stuff will be uncovered and some of it is going to stink.
I think they are going to take all the wood behind my gate. A friend was supposed to take it, but life interfered. The lawn guy was going to take it, but he hasn’t. If the neighbor wants it, he can have it. It won’t be used as firewood; his friend has a wood working shop and can use it. Doesn’t matter to me who takes it as long as it gets gone.

Like Oopsie, I have not been in a good mood for the last couple of days.
Congrats on the weight loss, and
is how my Sahirrnee is pronounced.
Not my favorite song, but every name I tried was rejected as already in use. I saw the album on my dresser and tried the name.

Good going Unknown!
All assholes should get caned once in a while, or maybe often.

Congrats Nut!

No boat rides for me. I get queasy.
I get car sick if somebody else is driving, a boat would probably do me in.

I guess my dogs are the youngsters, Ripple will be 5 in June and Echo will be 3 in July. Adam is 7 or 8, or maybe 9. I got him in 2016 and he was estimated to be 3. If I had more space, I’d love to get another puppy. I know Ripple would love it, I’m not so sure about Echo. Ripple has a ‘the more the merrier’ attitude and doesn’t get jealous when I give attention to other dogs. Echo gets a little jealous, although she would probably love having another playmate.

Well, the HVAC guy was here, 2 lbs. of freon cost $110 here, but if it keeps the house cool in the summer, it’s worth it. He also sold me an upgrade for the heating system, said there is mold and bacteria up there in the attic (hell, I haven’t been up there in 2 years) so next week I get a Reme HALO system installed. About $1,400, but I haven’t tapped the home improvement budget in the past year, so I figure it won’t hurt. Just have to re-figure the next month’s budget.

Since Somebody was working and I had to get the car out, I swept the garage a little cleaner, now I’ve got a spot in my left eye (not my glasses). Well see if it clears up or a Eye Doctor trip is in the offing.

Right now it’s gym time. Take care all.

I posted a question to the FB group for the type of boat we have, asking how many people they’d take out for a day on the water. Answers range from one other couple to 20 people. Holy crap!! I figure we could manage 8-10, altho one guy made a good point - about the toilet holding tank capacity.

What got me, tho, were the non-answers. The first guy said “No more than the number of lifesaving devices.” Um, duh! Another said “Our boat is smaller than yours - I wish we could take out more people.” Non-answer there. And several saying “Another couple for overnight.” Yeah, but I was asking about an afternoon on the bay, not a sleepover! Sheesh!

Anyway, I’m not going to plan a floating Mumpfest, but if anyone will be in the area, we can make plans to spend some time afloat. Consider this a standing invitation. Seriously!

FCD is back and snoozing. Toby is fed and snoozing. It’s about time for me to scare up some lunch.

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s 12C/54F here today, been sunny for a bit and now it’s cloudy. I have no need to be outside, Ophelia’s vet appointment got moved to tomorrow morning after her emergency appiontment yesterday to get an abscess cleaned out so I have been in the house all day.

Nut congrats on The Thing! You’re lucky to be going to such a lovely part of the country. Time to invest in some Scottish bees?

Peedin congrats on starting the countdown to becoming a retired drain on society. Very exciting times! I was out with a couple of friends last night, one is retired and the other not. The retired one said he only knows what day of the week it is on a Wednesday when we go to the pub.

metalmouse hope the eye clears up without needing a doc’s visit!

moooooom one day we will have to plan another visit to your side of the country. Current trip plan is a few days in San Francisco and then most of our time will be around Portland. We have five nights there and then a week’s car hire to go off exploring stuff.

Boring irk day for me today, and I have been very unproductive. I didn’t log in until very late this morning as I didn’t sleep well, so I am just tired and unmotivated. I’m supposed to be finishing staff development reviews, and scheduling take-home exams but instead I am faffing about finding other things to do instead.

So SSLAW #2 was down. Again. They should stop calling maintenance, and just have a Santeria priest run a couple of chickens through it. Also, Somebody’s Russian ammo got messed up. Which sucks, because Tula Arsenal .45ACP* is gonna be hella scarce for a while.

Glad the foot’s better, Butters

: uncramps crossed appendages : Congrats, Nut! I have friends in Scotland.

Miss_Owl could bring the cannon and cleavers, so we can properly pillage. :pirate_flag:

I have a fifth, and an absinthe spoon. We just need a sugar cube or 2.

*Avtomat Commie Pistole **
**not actually true, it’s “Automatic Colt Pistol” ***
**Unless you’re the Wincherster Arms company, then you call it “.45 Auto”, which is a level of pettiness I can’t help but admire

Well, if you want to stay in a very quiet, rural area, you’re welcome to our guest room. But if you come in the summer, perhaps we can plan some bay cruisin’ - to Baltimore and Annapolis and other places. Just a thought…

Just ingested a grilled cheese sammich - provolone cheese - yum. Now, time to read till the kidlet wake up.

sari, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. If you ever want to talk, feel free to PM me or come here and vent. One thing I’ve found about my own experience with my mom is that providers have come light years in terms of managing side effects of chemo, particularly palliative chemo which is lower dose, more spread out and has the intent of reducing symptoms of cancer rather than being curative, per se. But whatever she chooses is the right one for her. And whatever you’re feeling is appropriate.

Now I really need to try absinthe, doggio. And I happen to have sugar cubes 'cause they make me feel fancy when I drink espresso in the afternoon.