The too tough to die MMP

Afternoon all!

Happy Boofaeday!

Tis sneaky weather here today- blue skies and sunny, which lures you out into the freezing wind. I’m still finishing off the mindnumbingly stupid essay (calm down, it’s not due for weeks, and I’m over 2/3 of the way through now), and waiting for someone to finish checking off all the documentation so I can start my major project. It’s all somewhat frustrating. Been nice enough otherwise though; I’ve actually been socialising, I took a couple of people out for the day on Firday, then wound up going round to one’s for a cheese and more cheese night last night; cheeseboard as a starter, fondue as a main course, plus wine. I’m at least 2% cheese today, I think. I may need larger pants soon.

No pets here- I do have a couple of plants that are well into their teens, but that doesn’t count so much.

I’m at least 2% jealous.

Nah, sure 'nuff does too count!

Happy birthday BooFae!

baker, your Atilla may share a birthday with Nelson.

Nelson will be 5 on 29 April (his namesake will be 89), so he’s a teen aged dog in small dog years. His chihuahua grandfather though, was estimated at 7 years old when Sis rescued him and he lived with her for 13 years. Given that he had a grandmother who lived to be 17, I figure that I’ll have at least 10-12 more years with him.

Mooooooom’s story reminded me of the trip to Europe when I was 17. We were in the south of France along the Mediterranean and our bunch of rural Hoosier kids decided to go to the beach. We were a bit surprised to find that the beach was clothing optional. :open_mouth:

I tried to go to irk today, as the PCP said to return Monday. However, the note that he provided said 08 Mar, so they sent me home. Oh, well.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Happy Moonday!

Happy Birthday BooFae!

Was a nice 60 degrees at the park this morning. I got a little chilled as it was a bit breezy.
I got there early and was able to warn 3-pack about the park guy. I told her she might want to skip Sundays when he comes, or come even earlier and leave before he gets there. Of course, that won’t work as the weather warms up, because then the park guy will be coming every day, and as the days get longer, he will be coming earlier.
I told her about the county park, which doesn’t have as many rules. It’s not as nice as the city park, but it would work for her.

Supposed to get up close to 80 today, with lots of rain.
Then it’s going to get cold again.

My mother is going home today. I saw a mess of texts between my nieces saying somebody has to go get her NOW! She sounded a whole lot better when I talked with her last night, and I could understand most of what she was saying.

Lots of work is going on next door again today. The dogs are getting used to it and aren’t running to the door barking anymore.

We have to deal with unemployment again today. So tired of this shit. I have no idea what they are doing now, but my son’s status is an exclamation point!

Wish I could claim it was deliberate…

Here are the 2 clumps I planted today:
There are 6 or 7 bulbs in each clump. I’ll divide them in the fall.
Here are the ones that were planted some years back:

Despite wearing gloves, I’ve got a blister on my right thumb. Dammit. But I got the raking in front of the bedroom windows done and I put down some pavers for the hose coil. I changed from jeans to shorts because it’s almost 80°. Before the day is done, I need to clean and fill the pellet stove because tomorrow’s high will be mid-50s. Today is a tease!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Shady: Tough kitty! Best wishes and scritches.

And another. :birthday: :birthday: :birthday:

The new catalytic converter has been installed. I drove down and dropped off the cat shield. They said they’d try to squeeze it in today. It should take half an hour. The niggardly settlement from USAA is in my account.

Howdy, all! It’s going on 1pm, and currently 75°F. The overnight low only hit 60, so I slept with one of the bedroom windows open (which I love to do). It’s supposed to hit 79 later, but the wind won’t let it feel too hot today: it’s already quite breezy, and they’re saying we could get gusts of up to 50 mph this evening. The Weather Channel says we’re under a Gale Warning, which makes me think of Dorothy Gale and The Wizard of Oz.

(I was in my 30s before I picked up on the gale/tornado connection, btw; something in an episode of Lost made it click.)

I am very umotivated to work today, as evidenced by this post. :smiley: I attended my morning Zoom meeting and have been responding to emails/messages, but I have yet to take any initiative even though there are several things on my “to do” list. I got plenty of sleep last night (and only woke up to pee once), but I’m just not feelin’ it today. For various reasons, I think I may officially be Out Of Sorts. Meh.

Happy birthday, scareyfaerie! :tada:

Bailey (who will turn 14 in July) will definitely be my last pet as long as I’m single.

I never planned to be single with a dog: I was living with my ex when we rescued her at 3 months old, but seven months later I was moved out and taking care of a puppy on my own (she was always “my” dog, and had bonded strongly with me). I love her with all my heart and cannot regret adopting her, but if I’d been smart enough to see the breakup coming I wouldn’t have done it. I’ve only been pet-less for 4 years of my adult life (I previously had a cat), but when this one is gone I’ll be done for the foreseeable future. I’m 50 and have been single since Obama’s first term, but if I ever find a partner I’d be happy to get one or more dogs then (sometimes I think about getting a lab in each color :smiley: ).

I totally get it!! I’ve only been in my place for about 8 years, and am sometimes amazed at how much stuff has built up. And I’m somewhat anal-retentive, and it’s a small house! I can’t imagine 20 years of stuff. :slight_smile:


That makes it funnier!

For the record, I was fully clothed for my snowy ramble.

I have also officially dubbed my parka “The House” because once I’m zipped in & have the hood pulled over, it’s pretty much like wearing my own tiny, warm little house.
With pockets! (Which occasionally have semi-forgotten snacks and/or mittens in them.)

That joins:

  • A/C: “Coolio” … many of y’all were around for the “let’s name my window unit air conditioner” thread a while back.

  • Fridge: “Nemesis” … this one is a long story, but it involves a 3-day ordeal getting this oversized stainless steel monster into my current hobbit-hole of a rental home. Long story short, it involved the purchase of a Sawzall & some countertop, ah, resizing.

  • Car: “Bluebonnet” … O.k. this one is a double joke. See, I’m from Texas (bluebonnet flowers are a beloved state symbol) plus, in the U.K. “bonnet” means the hood of a car. My lil’ hatchback is blue … the hood is blue …

Well, shopping has been completed, sammich has been consumed, and the third load of laundry is in the dryer. Soon as it comes out I’ll head to the gym to get my swimmin’ in. Still have more laundry to do, but the underwear, the shirts, and the gym clothes (sweatpants and sweatshirts) are done, so the rest is not critical. Started raining on schedule about 9:30am and has continued with varying degrees of strength.

flyboy, here’s hoping the effort will be worth it. And maybe look for an alternative car insurer…?

FCM, looking at your yard makes me happy I took out the trees the developer planted when the house was brand new. Leaf raking isn’t one of my good habits…

Nut, socializing is good; cheese is even better. Enjoy.

OK, need to see if the sweat clothes are sufficiently cooked and then prepare for the 32 pool lengths of swimmin’ All y’all take care.

I’ve been with USAA for 34 years, over half my life. They’ve been good up until this time. I’ll stay with them.

:thinking: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Happy Birthday, Boofae!

Vinnie the Schnauzer turned 15 this month. He’s almost completely deaf and can’t see very well anymore, which results in a lot of nipped fingers when we try to give him treats. We can’t just drop the treats on the floor cause Gibbs will vacuum them up while Vinnie just stands there looking confused. He has fatty tumors all over his body now but the vet says his heart and lungs sound good. He’s also apparently getting senile. He was very easy to housebreak and very sure about where he was supposed to potty, but all that has gone by the wayside and he wears a doggie diaper in the house now. He sleeps almost all of the time now, but still loves his ‘walks’, even if they’re just down to the corner and back. He acts almost like a puppy then. We don’t think he has much time left.

Gibbs is 8 or 10, I can’t remember which. We probably won’t have him very long though. He has a heart murmur and most likely a 'collapsing trachea,’ (very common in Yorkies) and probably Cushings disease. He also has an overabundance of personality.

I don’t think we’ll have any more after these two. Not just because I’m a big old softy, but because we’re both 75 this year and it wouldn’t be fair to the dogs.

Well, I have much to do today. Happy Moonday everybody.

I don’ geddit…? :person_shrugging:

Another day of trying to transfer our unwanted shit into someone else’s home. We’ve set up two “Free” tables at the end of the driveway and stuff disappears amazingly quickly. Speaking of those sorts of things, I ran across an old rechargeable electric razor that has to be at least 30 years old. I didn’t even remember having it. But it still holds a charge! Who’d a thunk? The mold guy comes today to treat the attic, so tick another to-do box.

Our present furry friend is about 13 years old by our calculations. She still seems very healthy and bright-eyed, but sleeps more. She still eats well and likes to go outside for a bit of sunshine. Still agile enough to leap up on the bed or into her cat tower. Our last cat lasted about 20 years as an indoor cat, so Q’itih should go on for at least another five or so.

Happy BOOFAE Day!!!

Hippy great story! You have inspired me to try my pressure cooker again. So far, I have not used it to full capacity.

I don’t really want to talk about pets and loss right now. I will say that I can’t imagine having a pet.

Take care everyone!

I helped FCD put together the base for his plasma-cutter table. He’s got other stuff to do before he needs my help again with assembly. So I ran to the other Food Lion and got 6 of the Diet Cokes that are on sale. I wanted 8 but I got all that was left. After I drop off Toby tomorrow, I’ll go back to the Leonardtown FL and see if they restocked.

While in the store, I got a nice hunk o’chuck roast. It’s going into the slow cooker tomorrow with assorted veggies so we can have pot roast for supper. I really should cut it in half so we get 2 meals out of it rather than deal with too many leftovers. On the other hand, I can use the leftover beef to make soup. Must think on that.

For now, tho, I’m going to start splicing dock lines.

Tonight’s epicurean repast will be pasta with an elegant cheese sauce combined with a delicate bean stew. In other words Kraft Mac & Cheese mixed with a can of Dennison’s chili.

Do we have to accept FIRST! entry for the MMP just askin.

You’re in, and you shall be called Buzzy! Welcome to our playground!!

I do that sometimes, although maybe not the same brands (I tend toward store brands). I usually add some drained canned corn and maybe extra shredded cheese.

The estimate for replacing the cat converter in the 2006 Prius~$2,700.10. The .10 cents cracks me up.

That doesn’t include a cage or shield to prevent further theft. So, inching up on $3,000 once that is added in.