The tree of liberty needs to be watered with the blood of school children

Thoughts and prayers everyone.

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I was just having a discussion with my wife about the horrible state of this country’s gun laws and the fact that our 4 year old son, 4 YEARS OLD had his first “bad man” drill at his pre-k 3.

But fuck dying children, Americans have to have their fucking fetish trophies. Priorities.

Well, the first step to making things better is actually understanding why gun owners are the way they are.

Thoughts and prayers, baby. Thoughts and prayers.

‘Scuse me while I go out and buy some more guns, because you just KNOW the libtards are gonna make a whole big deal about this again.

Not really. Their “We must do something!” means about as much as “thoughts and prayers”. No way they stick their necks out. By fall 2018 red and purple state Democrats will be posing with their rifles in campaign ads.

And what’s more, the people saying that something needs to be done will be complicit in Democrats’ desire to keep gun control out of the national conversation for a few months, because beating the Republicans is more important than gun control. And then when they win, they’ll have fifty other things they want to do that are more important than gun control.

Because they are paranoid, amoral psychopaths.

Yeah, that’s wrong for the most part. Although it’s probably 99% right for people who posses guns ILLEGALLY. I’m all for locking that million or so up and throwing away the key.

Most criminals start out as law abiding. Until one day, they’re not.

True, but not particularly relevant to the gun crime issue. There are a ton of illegal firearms owners, and many of them will kill people. Lock 'em up. Harassing law abiding gun owners, on the other hand, yields much poorer results.

I certainly hope this guy’s militia takes time at their next muster to discuss their membership screening processes and to make sure their current members are apprised of their options for mental health treatment. While you never want to see a tragedy like this, you at least hope the militias take it as a learning opportunity. If they’re going to protect the security of the State, they need to heed the lessons of their after action reports.

There is no reason to allow people to own high powered rifles or amass private arsenals so that one day their psycho children can go on killing sprees.

18 school shootings around the world in 20 years, 18 school shootings since January in the good old Murica.

“Harrassing” aside :dubious:, gun control laws in every other country yield pretty good results, though. Luckily for us, America is unique!

“Arm the teachers. Or at least the administrative staff.”

There’s plenty of sand in Florida. Plenty of sand for heads to be buried.

I own guns. I kinda like them. But fuck me, fuck the guns, and fuck all you guys who can’t live w/o them. Yes, that’s right… fuck you, fuckers.

Yes. I’m disappointed. I’m sad. I’m pissed. I’m going back to bed. A hearty “go to hell” to anyone who has an issue with me. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck it!

Oh, in case you missed it. FUCK you and all your goddam guns.

Oh, i may have missed the edit window. That was supposed to be “goddamn.”

Speaking of god. Fuck him, too. Why isn’t that pussy doing something about this?

Guns are the easy answer, a cop-out. There are other countries with lots of guns, and this doesn’t happen. The truth is something far worse: our culture is deeply fucked up, and this is one way it manifests. We’re atomized, violent, vengeful, and utterly disconnected from each other and from any sense of community.

Fuck if I know how to fix it.

In terms of reducing gun crime, sure, although that’s not the only result people care about.

Since Americans, unlike other peoples, have the right to own guns, you’re necessarily going to be limited in how far you can go to limit access.

Nicely put, H.A.. I wish i had the patience or composure to try and make real sense of this issue. I know my responses aren’t helping. But I’m curled up in a ball, sobbing in the corner of my dark closet, and want a little relief.

You’re right, though. As I’ve mentioned in other threads, the USA is messed-up because we highlight and celebrate violence, narcissism, and a quick (my words) “fuck you”, more than we value any sense of community or civility.

I don’t even think there’s something wrong with our culture. We’re a nation of 300 million people and a few of us are “special” types who want notoriety.

Mass shootings making headlines aside, gun crime keeps on dropping. we are making progress, and we’re doing it while liberalizing our gun laws.