When in Christianity did the fact of The Trintity become established?
Thanks, Carl
I assume you mean the trinity, not the trintity. If not, ignore the rest of this. And as a good Unitarian, I don’t accept the trinity as “fact” as you described it. By 325 AD the concept was well entrenched in the christian church, most notably because Arius was labeled a heretic for his refusal to accept that God and Christ were one and the same, insisting rather that the son was subordinate to the father. This declaration seemed to mark the earliest assertion by the church as a whole of the concept. You can find a nice description of it at Enc. Britt’s web site.
We had a complete thread on the Trinity just a couple of weeks ago. The Thread touches on the orgin and timing. http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=38013