The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making Part Deux (Part 1)

I wouldn’t be surprised if he does go golfing. Just not on a golf course.

“Let’s see … pretty sure I can pull all those books and ornaments off the Oval Office shelves with a nine-iron … the Resolute Desk can be taken care of with a four-iron … Obama’s portrait deserves a driver through his face …”

In two weeks.

Steve Bannon’s podcast has been removed from YouTube after he interviewed Rudy Giulani, who said the violence was not perpetrated by Individual 1 supporters.

I’m smiling at the thought of trump raging through the white House finding phones to commandeer to tweet.

Nyet sockskiy!

Well, yeah - Pence’s family was there, too, his wife, daughter, and brother when the mob riled up by Trump crashed the doors and were literally yelling about hanging him and various other people.

Pence supported that loathesome slime without question for years and discovered Trump sent a mob to kill him.

Of course he’s furious. Who wouldn’t be?

Yes, you can and the House is working on the paperwork for that - looks like they’ve got both barrels aimed at Trump, the 25th AND impeachment.

Gerald Ford set that precedent by pardoning Nixon before Nixon was even charged - yes, the president can pardon without naming the offense and can pardon in advance. Even if he shouldn’t. Time for another amendment?

Wow, Karma brought her sister Irony to that one…

None of them will become Democrats. More likely to form a new party than switch. Which would split the Republicans thoroughly and change the balance of power.

So Dean Pelosi put the Trumps on Double Secret Probation?

Interesting editorial in Forbes magazine a couple of days ago by editor, Randall Lane, slammed the lies of the administration, and in particular called out Trump’s various spokespeople (Conway, Spicer, Sanders, Grisham, McEnany) for their roles in spreading disinformation.

Then he issued a warning:

imdb trivia:

Thanks, @mhendo, I didn’t see this.

Another thanks; I’ve passed it on to half a dozen people already.

Somebody noted that Agent Orange said ”You’re special, I love you" to several thousand people on January 6th. Which happens to be Eric-of-Orange’s birthday. It is not known whether he has ever said anything like that to Eric himself. Most likely not.

Didn’t Donny forbid hanging Obama’s portrait? Ha!

Hah! Stephen Colbert nailed it: Hey, Republicans Who Supported This President: Are We Great Again Yet? - LIVE MONOLOGUE - YouTube


We’re watching you, Macauley.

How many of these people has Forbes interviewed in the past?

Tiffany was the only one in the family to even acknowledge Eric’s birthday publicly. Of course, she did it in the middle of the riot, so her self awareness is as bad as the rest of the clan.

Well? ARE you happy?

Frankly, it wasn’t his best work. It felt rushed.:grin: