The Ugliest Building in the World is Going up next to where I work

Huh. I looked that up when I got a warning the link wasn’t secure so I saw a lot of pictures. I am, in general, not a fan of modern architecture. Particularly not Brutalist or mid-century Modern. It feels soul crushing.

But that’s actually not bad. It’s not charming or endearing or cozy (which is my bent), but it does have a bit of elegance to the lines and it doesn’t feel like it’s going to fall on you and crush you, either. Some of the interior shots were actually pretty airy, and the exposed trusses are very nice indeed.

Brutalism was not restricted to the Soviet Union. The university I work at in Canada looks like it could have been the Bulgarian Ministry of the Interior building

I stopped reading here. What else did you expect? Industrial parks are, well I hate to say it, “industrial”.

But they’re not usually Brutal.

So you say you would prefer this:

Than this: ???

Yes, I’d agree that the SFU campus is not that bad… In sunshine. What they forgot is that for most of the school year, the campus is bathed in cloud and rain. The weather is gray and dull. The concrete does not help with the general feeling at this time of year.

An excellent point, and one I hadn’t thought of. Good thing I’m not an architect!