I have decided that the ugliest one-syllable word in the English language is “eighth.”
A gh right next to a th, and that awful Germanic A-sounding ei to boot. The whole word looks like something I half-barfed-half-coughed the morning after a night boozing.
This is a very important point which should be clarified. OP seems to think that eighth has three sounds. OP also seems to think that there is something particularly “Germanic” about the vowel /ei/, though I don’t know why–it’s in all kinds of non-Germanic languages, such as Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, etc.
I’m glad it’s archaic and doesn’t come up in conversation much, because I’m creeped out by just the thought of saying it.
(Why no, I don’t much like the word “poultry”, either. Must be at least partly a sound thing.)