The Ultimate Sin (or, learning to never leve the toilet seat up)

In my student days I shared houses with males and females and never once did the whole ‘toilet seat’ argument come up. I guess everyone was just willing to accept the fact that your housemates have different opinions about that (although there were a number of discussions about the time it took certain people to do the washing up after cooking!).

For the record, I leave seat and lid down for the same reason leechbabe mentioned, it just looks better that way. I also think it’s a ‘neutral’ position, if seat and lid are down then everyone is going to have to move part of the toilet to do their business, so no arguments…right?

There was a comedian who said that he just couldn’t understand a woman backing up to something with their panties around their ankles in the dark without looking…I’d have to agree.

My mom used to throw a hissy-fit about this. I quickly learned it was a power trip- either for her to yell or for me to piss her off (yea teenage years!). My wife has never mentioned it, so I guess it really isn’t that big of a deal.

On a strange related note, I once got in trouble with a guy friend…in fact, I think it was something that led to our not being friends anymore. I was visiting him in Goteborg, Sweden (his hometown) and stayed with him for a week. And boy, did he get pissed (ha!) at me for peeing while standing up. I guess they pee sitting down there. He actually yelled at me for spraying pee all over the bathroom (ummm…no.). Anywho, it takes all types.


Sounds to me like you don’t need that kind of friendship. Peeing standing up is normal. If anything you should have been questioning his motives for sitting down, like a girl. Real men pee standing up.

I say put the seat and the lid down.

Then if the dozy mare pees on the lid because she couldn’t be bothered to look before she leapt, you’re covered.

As to having to touch dirty toilet seats… you do wash your hands after you’ve “been”, don’t you? :eek:

I knew I was forgetting something!:smack:

I’m not afraid of germs/dirt - I was kidding about not wanting to touch it with my ‘pristine foot tip’. I woudn’t complain if I had to do a little seat adjusting before using the loo at home. I should clarify that toilet seats being left up has never been something I’ve really had to deal with at home. Most of the men I’ve lived with have left it down. HOWEVER, where I work there’s a single-stall shared bathroom (for both men and women), and I notice that the seat is left up there often. For some reason, that’s a little different.

I don’t want to touch the toilet seat with my hand, especially the underside. Ew. I have a husband and a son, and they do foul things to toilet seats and rims. I’m also very short, and putting my foot up to knock the seat down is A) uncomfortable and B) very loud.

I also don’t want to be looking into the toilet all the time. Seat and lid DOWN please.

I have 4 cats and a dog that really don’t need to be drinking poo-water.

I have never “fallen in” nor have I ever sat on a toilet without looking at it. This may, however, be due to the fact that my “bathroom habit” involves always lifting the lid.

I’d rather not touch something that may have someone else’s pee/diarrhea splashes/toilet backsplash on it right before I need to wipe my genitals. Sorry.

And yes, I often do wash my hands both before and after “going”.

Well seeing how today is UncleBeers birthday. Seems like a good time for an Uncle Beer story.

I remember growing up with Uncle. After sitting on the seat sprinkled with uncle spray; (he failed to put the seat up before use) our mother dragged him into the bathroom and gave him the ultimate choice… A beating or sit on the wet seat. We had to be about 8 years old at the time.

Is it any wonder he is the crankiest moderator in town.

Women, can never make em happy. Seat up, seat down, either way you stand a chance of sitting in something you didn’t expect.

This thread is too funny. It’s weird what people make an issue ot of.

I will admit that sitting on a cold porcelain rim is a little shocking. Not to mention the height difference. It’s like going down a flight of stairs and the last one is a little lower than the rest. It’s not a big deal but it throws you off balance. And no, I don’t always inspect every stair I step on or every toilet I sit on. It’s always in the same place it was the last time I whizzed and I guess always sitting down becomes so routine that you don’t think too much about it until your nether regions are swimming in the fecal soup.

It’s disconcerting but living with hubby and 3 boys I just figure it’s easier for me to adjust the seat than nagging them to do it. I figure it’s easier for me to learn due to the nastiness of sitting down without the seat than for them to learn just from my nagging.

Besides, I’m afraid they won’t lift the seat at all and I’ll have to deal with man-dribbles and boy-piddles.

BTW, don’t you just HATE a wet toilet seat in public restrooms. Makes me want to waddle out of the stall with my pants at my ankles and try to hang my butt over the sink and wash it. Of course I would really enjoy the dryer. But that’s for another thread.

This thread is too funny. It’s weird what people make an issue ot of.

I will admit that sitting on a cold porcelain rim is a little shocking. Not to mention the height difference. It’s like going down a flight of stairs and the last one is a little lower than the rest. It’s not a big deal but it throws you off balance. And no, I don’t always inspect every stair I step on or every toilet I sit on. It’s always in the same place it was the last time I whizzed and I guess always sitting down becomes so routine that you don’t think too much about it until your nether regions are swimming in the fecal soup.

It’s disconcerting but living with hubby and 3 boys I just figure it’s easier for me to adjust the seat than nagging them to do it. It’s just easier for me to learn due to the nastiness of sitting down without the seat than for them to learn just from my nagging.

Besides, I’m afraid they won’t lift the seat at all and I’ll have to deal with man-dribbles and boy-piddles.

BTW, don’t you just HATE a wet toilet seat in public restrooms. Makes me want to waddle out of the stall with my pants at my ankles and try to hang my butt over the sink and wash it. Of course I would really enjoy the dryer. But that’s for another thread.

Sorry, my modem really bites and I had to refresh.

My apologies for being redundant.



I should add, by the way, that neither my husband nor my son EVER leave the seat or lid up.

Just for the record we (wife and I) leave both the seat and lid down due to dog and baby issues, but before that the seat was left in the preferred position of whomever used it last. My wife thinks that women who can’t handle “looking before they leap” are social throwbacks who need to be “taken care of” by a man. I don’t have a socio-political point of view on it, but it does seem like each adult in the house should be able to fend for themselves. I also find the “I might fall into the toilet” thing very irritating, the only times I have been so “out of it” that I didn’t know the state of the toilet seat is when I have been so piss drunk [ not since the kids been born:) ] that I didn’t know the state of my pants, whether I was in the bathroom, what my name was, etc. And another thing, I hate it when people drive slow in the passing lane.

I’m tellin’ ya… the secret to never worrying about falling in is to develop the habit of leaving the lid down. Then your “autopilot” never just makes you sit down without putting up the lid and you’d clearly notice something like a seat being up.

I still gotta say… unless you clean your toilet every day or you have a very well-trained man, toilet bowl rims ain’t pretty. Don’t leave them on display.

I’ve fallen into the toilet before too, and I’ve always thought "Why in Ghu’s name didn’t I look first???

Of course, in our house we always put the toilet seats AND the lids down after use so that the dogs won’t drink out of the toilets.

I’m stunned at the number of people who have fallen into the toilet. I can’t understand how people can sit down on something, without looking to see what you’re sitting down on first! After the first time you fell in, wouldn’t you be careful to check next time? Maybe it’s a woman thing. :slight_smile:

Tell that to a groggy three year old who was too sleepy to turn on the lights or to look. And who was pretty scrawny.

Of course, like I said, with cats, you kind of HAVE to close the lid. Unless you want to give Kitty a bath at 3 am.

Forget to put the seat down? I usually don’t even bother to raise it in the first place. :smiley: