Dear all;
Today, as I was eating lunch, one of my friends described her recent trip to Spain. While in Madrid, for want of something to do, she elected to go see Real Madrid play. According to her, it was an unimportant game - Real Madrid was guaranteed to win, the other team wasn’t in danger of relegation, and nothing would really change regardless of what happened. Despite this, the stadium sold out of tickets 2 hours before the game started, leaving the (according to her) 120,000 people stranded outside the stadium to begin rioting. The police deployed riot gear, and it all went to crap - and this was not a match of any significance.
Let’s assume that, as part of my bucket list, I wanted to see the most violent, intense, passionate sports rivalry in all of the world of sports. I want to sit in a box seat, drink a bloody mary, smoke cigarette, and watch thousands of avid sports fans go absolutely monkey-fuck over some bad refereeing. What game should I shoot to see?
I have a few conditions:
It should be a relatively high level of play. It wouldn’t surprise me if the most vicious match in all of sports was something like Kinshasa-Brazzaville, but I bet those teams aren’t very good. I want to see quality play, regardless of the sport.
It should be relatively evenly-matched. Again, there’s a lot of anger between Burma and Thailand whenever they play sepak takraw (look it up - best sport ever), but Thailand always beats Burma so it doesn’t matter.
It should have a nice stadium. I want to sit in a box seat, preferably with bullet-proof glass or something. I imagine this one’s pretty much a given.
There should be blood. I bet passions are heated in the Ohio-Michigan games or Red Sox - Yankees, but I don’t just want to see a crowded stadium - I want to see some real race-hate, animosity, potential for violence. I want the crowd to be as much a show as the sport itself.
My top leads for this are El Classico (Madrid / Barca), Belgrade (Red Star / Partizan), and the Old Firm (Rangers / Celtic). Any other big ones? Could we perhaps get some baseball in here, or maybe some more obscure sports?