The vagaries of old age are self induced

No, I’m not talking about overeating, smoking, lack of exercise, etc.

I visited my in-laws over Christmas, and suddenly became aged.

The house was kept swelteringly hot, and I soon became drowsy by 7PM.

My FIL’s recliner has some freaky headrest thing that forced your head forward, making it difficult to breathe and giving you a sore neck and back.

If my in-laws had only had set the thermostat at a cooler temperature and had chosen better-designed furniture, they would have been more alert, less achy, and better able to breathe.

I now feel certain that many of the ailments attributed to old age are, in fact, brought on by ill-conceived housekeeping.

Jerry Seinfeld is posting here?

I don’t know about Jerry Seinfeld [can’t stand the guy or his show] but I agree about the furniture and temperature.

I know that my parents [they were both born in 1923 and are almost as old as the hills… :stuck_out_tongue: ] do seem to get cold easier than I do, but great jumping jesus - I swear it is 90 in their house. I cant SLEEP there without opening a window and closing my door in the middle of winter, it is like being in a sauna. The ‘new’ sofa [ok it is 20 years old, but they got it after I moved out] is just plain nasty. Is it my imagination, or are the seating surfaces shrinking? I swear that I sit with my back agaiinst the back and the front edge of the damned cushions hits me 3 inches up my thigh towards my arse from my knee…I am the type that likes to sit with my legs crossed tailor [indian] style, or at least my feet tucked up under me to one side or the other, and I just plain cant get comfortable. I swear, chairs/sofas used to give people 36 inches x 36 inches, and now you might be lucky to get a seating surface of maybe 24 inches by 24 inches :frowning: :mad:

Not to mention cheap clothing and shoes, overprescription of certain drugs, and too much daytime television.

I hope you all are taking notes so you will know how to act because your turn is coming. If you’re lucky, or not as the case may be. :smiley:

My parents now go to sleep at 7pm and wake up at 3:30am. What the hell is the matter with them?

My dad, 75, is anemic and in charge of the furnace. My mom, 71, still complaining about hot flashes after 20 years and stays in another room with the window open. And they yell back and forth at each other.

And still, DeHusband walks in and immediately goes to sleep.