Does anybody here have general knowledge or personal contact with the city? (or any other similar sized, and similarly suffering, city?
Most of the internet talk about the war which I see is in short posts and 60 second videos.
Both here, in our long-running MPSIMS thread, and in other forums I see (such as and r/ukraineconflict)–there’s a lot of anecdotal stuff. Mostly showing the incredibly strong spirit of the Ukrainians, and the weakness of the Russians.
But I’m wondering (and worrying) about what’s really going on among the population of Ukraine:How the average citizen is holding up, how the community and the country is withstanding serious, painful suffering.
Most of Kiev is without electricity, and there is no hope that the destroyed transformers will be rebuilt soon. There is a long , dark, and very very cold winter ahead, for millions of people.
Zelensky holds press conferences, and gives his daily pep talk, but half his countrymen don’t have electricity or internet connections to hear him.
The half that do still have functioning electric and internet presumably use social media like everyone else. When families share info with grandparents about personal stuff, like caring for the
baby, they probably also let their emotions show.
Does anybody have info about what the general atmosphere looks like on, say, Ukrainian Facebook pages? Is the country’s morale holding up?