After many years of restricting my Slider intake, and after realizing that I only live once, and after talking to lno on Friday and after convincing myself that it was a suitable reward for losing fifteen pounds…
jarhubby and I went to White Castle on Saturday.
Sweet, lifegiving White Castle. My GOD I love these cheeseburgers. WITH the pickles thank you…
I only allowed myself four li’l cheeseburgers, but honest to God, I’m not afraid to tell you…I could have eaten ten.
I really have no story other than the Case Of Thirty fiasco that I related in the pit some months back. Even rereading it now, I can feel my intestines rebel against the very thought of it. (And to hell with the Geneva Conventions – they’re using gas.)
Can I share with you one of my proudest pieces of personal trivia? My parents came up with the idea for the Jalapeno cheeseburger. I swear it’s true. Not to mention tasty.
I’ve tried them out of the box from the freezer section of my local grocery store, but nothing like the originals. Sadly, I am at least a two-hour drive from the nearest slider palace.
For those not in the know about the scourge that is White Castle, here is a description that I posted in another thread.
My parents used to LOVE White Castle so much that it became an annual ritual to go there after the Rosh Hashana High Holy Day services. Can you imagine anything less holy?
Ah, yes, White Castle. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…
Or not. I’m in a hurry. But damn, are those some good little burgers. Too bad they don’t have them on the east coast (I have to make do with the frozen ones :().
East coast of what? They were a staple of my family and friends in The Bronx. In fact, on Mother’s Day we used to go to White Castle so mom wouldn’t have to cook. (It was her idea - we weren’t exactly upper crust. Of course, the fact they cost 14 cents each didn’t hurt.) And in my late teens and early 20s, a Saturday night carouse was just not complete without stopping off at 4 AM for about a dozen Belly Bombs each. (Ah! Breakfast at White Castle! My mind cringes at it now.) I still love the revolting little things.
An integral part of our drive from Mid Michigan to Washington DC was always to stop in AA to pick some up for the trip.
I knew that if I went anywhere near d-troit and failed to bring some back I was in trouble. and the cases of 30??? well, we have 3 empties to use as packaging for the holidays.
Then, all was great and good in the world, they built one on the south side of Lansing. And wouldn’t you know, it is right on the way for me coming back from the county jail (where I go once a week - work related, honest)
The first time I stopped and picked some up, I gave a sampling to my coworkers who’d never had them. They were, well, amazed. then our postal carrier came in, and I gave him one. He was in heaven. In fact, he went back to the post office and flaunted the empty to his coworkers.
Speaking of Krystal, has anyone else found Krystal to be an impostor? While I can say I’ve only had the frozen Krystal burgers (had the real castles many, times…now the closest one is NJ… ), they are nothing like Castles except for the shape and size. Krystal burgers have no onions (requisite), and the meat seems to be tougher and missing the 5 holes…
White Castles seem to be all over the Midwest, yet we don’t have one here in Springfield :mad:. It’s too bad, because in this city we would enshrine the damned place. Unfortunately, I have to drive to Edwardsville (just across the river from St. Louis) to get them :mad:.
But at least we’re getting a Krispy Kreme® in a year or so :D.
I’m a midwestern boy transplanted to the great southwest. The only thing about living here that isn’t an improvement over living there is there are no White Castles. yes, you can get the stuff in the frozen food section, but it’s not the same.
My buddy Gno and I (he’s from Detroit) will have friends of ours bring back six-pack coolers of the damn sliders when they go to the midwest. You have them drive through on their way to the airport, load up the cooler, jump on the plane and come straight to the bar. Either that, or I’ll pick them up at the airport.
My girlfriend, who is Gno’s sister and resently xplanted herself here from Chicago, watches in rapt horror at the catatonic bliss that envelopes her brother and me as we tear ever so slowly into that big damn bag and suckle at the sweet sweet teat that is slider heaven.
Thanks, jar, ya damnable wench. I’m now severely craving me some WC.
Used to have 'em all the time during college in Ohio; I loved those damn things. My standard order was 6. We just called 'em “Castles” (the burgers, not the restaurants, as in “6 Castles, please”). And yes, jarbabyj, with the pickles.
Then I moved to Texas and then Montana, and I haven’t had one in over ten years.
Even though I have been accused of being the Lord High God of Food™ I will have to try one of these legendary elephant scabs the next time I am on the East coast. The way people wax rhapsodic over them can only mean there is some special drug or something in the grease they’re fried with.
My usual White Castle dining experience would occur between the hours of 11PM and 4AM, when my friends and I decided we should probably get something to eat, but we only have like $7 between us, and we’re all f’d up, and HEY! Let’s get some Belly Bombers!!!
Yeah, cherished memories of standing (or swaying) in line, along with all the other dregs of society. There’d sometimes be a wino on line ahead of us, who’d plunk down a bunch of pennies and nickels to see how many Murder Burgers he could buy.
Ah, the smell of White Castle hamburgers. Guaranteed to be replicated the following morning.